Mine Workers’ Leader Wants To Save Last Coal Jobs As Biden Tackles Climate

Source: Ohio Valley Resource 

April 20, 2021


United Mine Workers of America President Cecil Roberts said he’s been hearing the term “just transition” tossed around for more than 20 years as part of the long-running, nearly Sisyphean discussion about climate change, clean energy, and coal country.

Simply put: he’s not a fan.

“I ask anybody who has been uttering those two words over the last 30 years — point to one, one ‘just transition’ in this country,” Roberts challenged. “And you can’t.”

The West Virginia native is the UMWA’s second-longest serving leader, behind only the legendary John L. Lewis. But unlike Lewis, who served during the coal industry and union’s height of power and influence, Roberts’ tenure coincides with an epic decline in coal production and employment in the U.S., and now, what could be the closing chapter for coal.

Coal employment has dropped by more than half in the past decade. More than 60 mining companies have declared bankruptcy, coal-fired power power plants are closing ahead of schedule, and the number of hourly coal workers is now at the lowest point since the government began tracking such numbers.

Now, a Democratic president who has organized labor’s support is pressing ahead with an ambitious clean energy agenda to combat climate change. At a “climate change summit” this week, timed to coincide with Earth Day, President Joe Biden is expected to announce a goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030. Roberts fears that could bring an end to the remaining 44,100 or so coal mining jobs.

The administration has pledged to invest in coal communities as it reduces fossil fuel dependence. “We have to act on climate change,” White House Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy pledged in a March interview with the Ohio Valley ReSource, “but we also have to act to make sure that there’s no worker and no community left behind.”

Roberts is not persuaded.

“It’s one thing to want these things to happen, but it’s another thing for those things to materialize,” he said. “People in Appalachia believe that there’ll be the second coming of the Lord before they see a ‘just transition,’” he said.

So Roberts is using the leverage he has — including a close relationship with his fellow West Virginian, Sen. Joe Manchin — in order to sway Biden’s policies to allow room for coal and win support for coal communities.

In a joint appearance with Manchin on Monday, Roberts laid out broad principles that he thinks should be included in the administration’s climate and energy policy, including robust support for the controversial technology known as carbon capture and sequestration, targeted tax credits and loans for coal country jobs, and additional support for displaced miners.

In a broad-ranging interview with the ReSource, Roberts made clear that he is not a climate change denier or skeptic, and he supports many of Biden’s plans for infrastructure and renewable energy. But Roberts also made clear that coal communities in Appalachia have sacrificed enough.

“I think it would be a travesty, and we won’t support the elimination of the jobs that we still have,” he said.

His union’s stance, coupled with Manchin’s position as the potentially decisive vote in the evenly divided Senate, could become a challenge for the Biden administration’s attempt to act on the climate crisis.


Technological Gamble

“People might say, well, the UMWA is being awfully bold here proposing ideas to the president of the United States,” Roberts said. “But I don’t think it’s all that bold given the fact that there’s a long record here of sacrifice from coal miners in this nation, whether it’s the number of miners that’ve been killed, or the number of miners that have died from black lung, just to make this country great. There’s just no other group of workers that have contributed that much to this nation’s economy.”

Roberts is resting his argument, in part, on the historic price that miners, their communities, land, and water have paid in order to power the country. He matches that regional history with a global argument about the nature of climate change: ending coal use and its carbon emissions in the U.S. will mean little if international appetite for coal and its emissions continue apace.

While the coal industry is collapsing in the U.S., coal shows little signs of slowing in other parts of the world, especially China. A recent projection from the International Energy Agency, for example, shows a 4% increase in China’s coal consumption is likely this year, pushing CO2 emissions upward as the pandemic pause in electricity demand lifts.

This is where Roberts makes a pitch for a technology that many people in the climate change debate have given up on: carbon capture and storage, or CCS.

CCS uses advanced chemistry to strip the CO2 from the smokestacks of a power plant or manufacturing facility, then stores it in the earth — at least, theoretically. The technology, sometimes called “clean coal” by industry boosters, has been a talking point for decades, and the federal government has put hundreds of millions into its research and development. But there have been very few commercial scale applications, largely due to the prohibitive costs.

Roberts cites United Nations reports that encourage further development of CCS, and the past support for the technology from President Biden’s former boss.

“I can shut my eyes and still see Senator Barack Obama, campaigning for the presidency of the United States in Lebanon, Virginia,” Roberts said. He recalled speaking to a packed house just before Obama, who badly wanted to win over enough voters in the western coal counties of Virginia to win the swing state.

“So he knows he’s in coal country, and he knows that people are worried about their future. And he makes a great speech. And he says, ‘if we can find a way to put a man on the moon, we can find a way to burn coal cleanly,’” Roberts recalled. “And here’s the reality of the situation. Does anybody really believe that it’s impossible to find a way to burn coal cleanly? We can, we just haven’t decided that it’s worth the investment.”

The UMWA’s position paper asks to “significantly enhance” funding for CCS with a goal of a “utility-scale coal-fired” project by 2030. It also recommends 5-year waivers from any zero-carbon mandates for “coal-fired utility units that commit to installing CCS.”


Coal Community Support

The UMWA is also calling for more support for miners who have lost jobs and more ways to grow new jobs in coal-dependent communities.

That includes full funding of the federal Abandoned Mine Lands reclamation program, something the Biden administration has identified as a potential jobs generator, and provisions that the associated jobs will have a prevailing wage standard.

The union also wants a “significant” expansion of tax incentives for “renewable supply-chain manufacturing” in coal areas, with hiring preference given to dislocated miners and their families.

Roberts said he’s not against renewable energy, but he is bothered by the low wages and imported goods often associated with wind and solar power.

“Right now, almost all these renewable energy jobs don’t pay enough to support a family,” he said. “They are nowhere near the wages that a coal miner makes.”

In their (virtual) joint appearance Monday at the National Press Club both Roberts and Manchin said renewable energy incentives should be targeted to coal states and other fossil fuel producing regions to make up for the anticipated losses from an aggressive clean energy policy. And both criticized the renewable industry’s dependence on importing cheaper parts from China.

“We’re propping up their economy with some of the things that we have done here,” Roberts said. “So let’s produce those wind turbines here. Let’s produce those solar panels here. Let’s make them good union jobs while we’re at it. By the way, that’s not too outrageous, because it’s a part of Biden’s plan.”

Written by: Jeff Young

Manchin and UMW’s Roberts push for federal union legislation and improved economics for coal

Source: MetroNews

April 19, 2021

Senator Joe Manchin and United Mine Workers President Cecil Roberts together endorsed legislation to strengthen labor unions, pushed for federal investments in carbon capture technology, advocated for using coal to make steel in the United States and called for building up coal-producing communities that have languished in recent years.

“We’re very much interested in protecting existing coalfield jobs,” Roberts said. “I would say to our friends in government and high places that we’ve just about had all we can take of layoffs and people losing their jobs in the coalfields. It doesn’t have to be that way.”

Manchin and Roberts, both prominent West Virginians, appeared together at a livestreamed National Press Club event called “Energy Transition and the Next Steps for Coal Country.”

Manchin, a Democrat, is chairman of the U.S. Senate’s Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

He has assumed that prominent role during overlapping debates over how to deal with climate change, how to mitigate economic hard times in communities that traditionally relied upon mining for employment and the appropriate focus of a broad-ranging infrastructure package that could provide a boost.

Manchin generated a headline today through his endorsement of the “Protect the Right to Organize Act” — often called the PRO Act — in the Senate. The bill is a priority for labor organizations, including the AFL-CIO.

The bill would enhance collective bargaining rights, strengthen workers’ right to strike and override state “right-to-work” laws.

“Fifty percent of unions fail in their first year of organizing. This legislation will level the playing field,” Manchin said, announcing he would co-sponsor the bill.

Manchin’s endorsement is significant with a 50-5o split in the U.S. Senate. But his backing is not decisive because the Senate’s filibuster rules would require 60 votes.

“Allowing people who want to join a union to have that opportunity — that’s one of the basic freedoms that we have,” Roberts said, thanking Manchin for his support.

Roberts’ appearance coincided with a release of the United Mine Workers’ set of goals called “Preserving Coal Country.”

“Change is coming, whether we seek it or not. Too many inside and outside the coalfields have looked the other way when it comes to recognizing and addressing specifically what that change must be, but we can look away no longer,” the United Mineworkers stated. “We must act, while acting in a way that has real, positive impact on the people who are most affected by this change.

Roberts noted that coal jobs fell by another 7,000 last year. That leaves about 34,000 active coal miners in the United States, he said.

“We have to think about the people who have already lost their jobs,” Roberts said. “I’m for any jobs that we can create that would be good-paying jobs for our brothers and sisters who have lost them in the UMWA.”

Roberts urged a greater embrace of metallurgical coal, which is used to make steel. The context of that point is the infrastructure proposal being debated at the federal level.

“Start making steel again,” Roberts said. “Let’s have a policy in this country — if we’re going to have infrastructure, let’s make the steel in the United States. Let’s mine metallurgical coal. Let’s have those steel mills in this country. Let’s create thousands of jobs.”

Both Manchin and Roberts urged more use of carbon capture technology to retain coal’s role in energy production. The process captures carbon dioxide emissions from sources like coal-fired power plants and either reuses it or stores it. Much research has gone into the process, but it’s been widely viewed as a high financial hurdle.

“We know we can do it commercially,” Manchin said. “We just haven’t found how we have a downstream or a value for the carbon we’re extracting.”

The UMW’s proposal released today wants the federal government to significantly enhance carbon capture and storage research and development funding with a goal of demonstrating commercial use for coal-fired utilities by 2030. It also calls for building out carbon capture infrastructure such as pipelines and injection wells.

“Someone’s going to develop this technology and it ought to be the United States of America,” Roberts said.

At a separate event, Congressman David McKinley spotlighted the possibilities of carbon capture technology. McKinley, a Republican, spoke on video with a coal miner from the Tunnel Ridge Mine outside Wheeling.

The one-minute conversation was part of the House GOP caucus’s three-day “Energy Innovation Agenda,” a virtual forum that describes conservative solutions for a better climate.

McKinley was pushing legislation to promote development of innovative carbon capture, utilization, and storage projects through the Department of Energy loan guarantee program.

Written by: Brad McElhinny

Sen. Joe Manchin and Mine Workers Union Pres. Cecil Roberts to address energy transition and next steps for coal country

Source: prnewswire.com

April 14, 2021

WASHINGTON, April 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/

Joseph Manchin III, the senior senator from West Virginia and chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will join with the president of the United Mine Workers of America, Cecil E. Roberts Jr., as Roberts announces the UMWA’s principles for addressing climate change, energy transition, and government policies that affect workers in coal production and other parts of the energy sector at a National Press Club Virtual Headliners event on Monday, April 19 at 11 a.m.

This one-hour news event will stream live on the club’s website and YouTube Channel and is accessible to both the media and members of the general public free of charge.

Remarks will be followed by a question-and-answer period moderated by National Press Club President Lisa Nicole Matthews.

To submit a question for the speakers in advance, put ENERGY/LABOR in the subject line and email it to headliners@press.org.

“Energy transition and labor policies must be based on more than just promises down the road.

“We want to discuss how miners, their families, and their communities can come out of this transition period and be certain that they will be in as good or better shape than they are today,” said Roberts.

“The decisions being made in Washington will determine what our union and our communities look like 20 years from now.”

Roberts has led the UMWA since 1995. He is [one of] the Vice Presidents of the AFL-CIO.

Manchin, one of the Senate’s most influential members, is often seen as a swing vote in the 50-50 Democratic-controlled Senate.

Press Contact: Lindsay Underwood for the National Press Club; lunderwood@press.org, (202) 662-7561


Union Plus: Flowers

Source: Union Plus

April 14, 2021

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Former Remington Plant Reaches Agreement With Union

Source: NRA American Rifleman

April 6, 2021


Significant progress was made in the effort to resume operations at the famed Remington firearm factory in Ilion, NY, when on April 2 the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) announced it has reached a letter of agreement that will pave the way for reopening the plant.

The document formalizes language between the union and RemArms—owned by Roundhill Group—that recognizes the union as the hourly employees’ collective bargaining agent when they return to work, establishes a recall process for more former Remington workers to return to jobs, and sets up a 60-day time frame for the parties to begin negotiating a full collective bargaining agreement that will be in effect upon ratification.

“This letter of agreement was a long time in the making,” said UMWA International President Cecil E. Roberts.

“It is the first step toward reestablishing a normal relationship between the union and the operators of that plant, one that will allow the professional craftspeople who have built firearms in Ilion to return to doing what they do better than anyone.”

The factory closed and workers were let go when Remington Outdoor filed bankruptcy last year.

The Ilion factory and firearm-related assets were subsequently purchased by Roundhill Group and just before the holiday season it sent letters to 200 of the plant’s former employees asking if they would report back to work on Feb. 15. The date proved optimistic after the union raised several concerns, including whether the returning staff was selected by seniority.

Subsequently announced reopening dates passed without resumption of operations.

The April 2 announcement indicates that may change soon although Roberts said, “There is more to do here. The company needs product to sell and we fully understand and support that. We are pleased that UMWA members will soon be going back to work at the plant, if the company holds to its expected timetable.

The next step is to negotiate a full collective bargaining agreement that the members can ratify and then get operations fully back to normal.”


Written by: Guy J. Sagi

More than 1,000 workers plan to strike at Alabama coal mines

Source: ABC 33/40 News

March 31, 2021


BROOKWOOD, Ala. (AP) — More than 1,100 workers at two Alabama coal mines and related facilities owned by Warrior Met Coal Inc. will go on strike barring a last-minute labor agreement, the United Mine Workers of America said Wednesday.

Negotiators have not been able to reach a deal on a new contract, and workers will walk off the job Thursday night unless continuing negotiations succeed, said union spokesman Phil Smith.

“We hope that an agreement can be reached, but the company will need to move substantially from where it is now for the union to have reason to take something back to our members for potential ratification,” he said. The union did not release details on a potential contract.

D’Andre Wright, a spokesman for the Brookwood-based Warrior Met, did not immediately return a phone message or an email seeking comment.

The strike would include the company’s No. 4 and No. 7 mines, a preparation plant and a central shop, all located in Tuscaloosa County, a union statement said. Workers sacrificed to bring the company out of the Walter Energy bankruptcy five years ago, President Cecil Roberts said in the statement.

“These productive, professional miners at Warrior Met mined the coal that meant the company could become successful again,” he said. “And Warrior Met has capitalized on their hard work, earning tens of millions in profits for their Wall Street owners. They have even rewarded upper management with bonuses of up to $35,000 in recent weeks.”

Warrior Met, which produces coal that’s used in steel production in Asia, Europe and South America, recently reported a loss of about $35 million for last year compared to net income of $302 million for 2019. Citing uncertainty created by the global pandemic, the company did not release financial guidance for 2021.

“We continue to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 and these other potentially disruptive factors on our business, although we believe that it is premature to speculate on when the economies of the countries in which our customers are located will reopen on a sustained basis” and return to normal demand, the company said in a statement in February.

The global market for metallurgical coal is “rebounding” from the pandemic, Smith said.


Written by: The Associated Press

Union Plus: Dental Insurance

Source: Union Plus

March 31, 2021

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1,100 west Alabama mine workers announce plan to go on strike

Source: AL.com

March 31, 2021


The United Mine Workers of America have issued a strike notice against Warrior Met Coal.

The UMWA said in a statement the strike is to begin at 10:30 p.m. Thursday.

The notice covers more than 1,100 workers at all of the company’s operations, including the No. 4 mine, the No. 5 preparation plant, the No. 7 mine and its central shop.

UMWA dues-paying members who participate in picket line or other strike duty will receive bi-weekly strike assistance payments from the union’s Selective Strike fund, the union said, as well as health care coverage for members and their families for the duration of the strike.

UMWA International President Cecil Roberts said the union members “are the reason Warrior Met exists today.” The current agreement with the union was negotiated as Warrior Met emerged from the bankruptcy proceedings of the former Walter Energy, which declared bankruptcy in 2016.

“They made the sacrifices to bring this company out of the bankruptcy of Walter Energy in 2016,” Roberts said.

“These productive, professional miners at Warrior Met mined the coal that meant the company could become successful again. And Warrior Met has capitalized on their hard work, earning tens of millions in profits for their Wall Street owners. They have even rewarded upper management with bonuses of up to $35,000 in recent weeks.

“But today, instead of rewarding the sacrifices and work of the miners, Warrior Met is seeking even further sacrifices from them, while demonstrating perhaps some of the worst labor-management relations we’ve seen in this industry since the days of the company town and company store,” Roberts said.

Efforts to reach Warrior Met Coal for a comment were not immediately successful.

The UMWA said it has filed unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board relating to Warrior Met’s conduct during negotiations.


Written by:

Remington Retirees Received Alarming Letter

Source: News Channel 2

March 23, 2021


A letter for the former Remington Arms to Remington retirees had some of them thinking they might be losing their pension.

ILION, N.Y. — Some former Remington workers reached out to NEWSChannel 2 after receiving a letter in the mail this past week that had them thinking they were losing their pensions.

All the letter says is that Remington did not meet its obligation to make pension plan contributions of more than $8 million, plus accrued interest of more than $1 million, on Jan. 1 and Jan. 15, respectively.

Union officials that represent the workers say the retirees won’t be losing their pensions, they will just be getting their money from the government instead of the former Remington Arms company.

There is a government agency that guarantees pensions called the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation or PBGC. It’s a government-run entity that takes over when, for whatever reason, a company’s pension goes under.

United Mine Workers of America Spokesperson Phil Smith says he too has heard that some retirees were concerned when they received the letter this past week, “I want to make sure people understand that as a result of the bankruptcy, Remington was relieved of their obligation to continue making contributions into the pension plan.

“That does not mean however that people’s pensions are going to stop. They are not. The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation which is a government organization is going to be, for lack of a better word, making transfers from the insurance program that the PBGC has set up into the pension plan, The Remington pension plan.”

Smith says there should be no disruption in the delivery of the pensions and there should be no reduction in the amount that anyone should receive.


Written by: Gary Liberatore