District 20, located in the southern part of the United States, is a beacon of strength and unity for UMWA members in a region rich in coal mining history. With a storied past and a resilient membership, District 20 has earned a reputation for representing the most diverse group of coal workers within the UMWA. Despite facing numerous challenges, including rapidly shrinking overseas coal markets and shifting economic landscapes, the members of District 20 continue to persevere and stand strong.
District 20’s history is marked by its commitment to representing a diverse range of coal workers. From underground miners to surface miners, and from preparation plant workers to those in transportation and beyond, the district has stood in solidarity with those who labor in various aspects of the coal industry. This commitment to unity and inclusivity is a testament to the district’s unwavering dedication to the rights and welfare of its members.
The coal industry in the United States, particularly in the southern region, has faced seismic shifts in recent years. The decline in overseas coal markets, coupled with a growing awareness of the environmental impact of coal, has presented significant challenges. Despite these hurdles, District 20 members have shown remarkable resilience. They have adapted to changing circumstances, championed innovation, and sought ways to ensure that the coal industry remains a source of livelihood for its workers.
In the face of adversity, District 20’s strength lies in its commitment to unity and collective action. The district recognizes that, in a rapidly changing world, solidarity among coal workers is more critical than ever. By coming together, they can advocate for improved working conditions, fair wages, and a sustainable future for coal workers and their communities. District 20 embodies the UMWA’s enduring values of justice, worker solidarity, and social responsibility.
As District 20 navigates the challenges of a shifting coal industry, it remains steadfast in its commitment to its members. The district continues to work tirelessly to safeguard the rights and well-being of all coal workers in the southern United States. Whether it’s supporting efforts to diversify the regional economy, enhancing safety standards in the industry, or advocating for policies that protect workers’ interests, District 20 is resolute in its mission.
With a rich history of embracing diversity and a dedication to shaping the future of coal work in the South, District 20 serves as a powerful advocate for the hardworking men and women of the coal industry. Together, they forge a path forward, building a stronger and more sustainable future for all who labor in this vital sector.
Officers and District Representatives:
Larry Spencer – International District 20 Vice President
James Blankenship – District 20 Representative

District 20 Office
21922 Highway 216
(Miner's Memorial Parkway)
McCalla, AL 35111
(205) 477-7500
(205) 477-0004 (fax)