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UMWA Responds to Closing of RemArms LLC Ilion Plant

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NOVEMBER 30, 2023   UMWA Responds to Closing of RemArms LLC Ilion Plant [TRIANGLE, VA] Commenting on the notice from RemArms, LLC, that it intends to close its Ilion, NY plant, United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today: “It is extremely […]

Local Union 4826, Working for You

  Sitting just off Industrial Highway in Caldwell, Ohio, is International Converter, a leader in foil laminates, high-quality packaging, and more.  The work that UMWA members of Local Union 4826 do at the plant has made the company a global leader in manufacturing.   Billy Wheeler, who has been the local union president since 2011, said […]

Frontier No. 1 Mine Victims Remembered 100 Years Later

  On August 14, 1923, the Wyoming towns of Kemmerer and Frontier the devastating news that an explosion occurred inside the nearby Frontier No. 1 Mine, killing 99 miners. As always happens, the tragedy left children, wives, and mothers left behind to deal with the aftermath.    That fateful morning, 136 men reported to the […]

UMWA Welcomes Logan County Commission Office Staff as Newest Members

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NOVEMBER 17, 2023   UMWA Welcomes Logan County Commission Office Staff as Newest Members   [TRIANGLE, V.A.] The United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) announced today that the staff at the Logan County Commission Office voted to be represented by the UMWA yesterday. “I want to welcome the newest members of the […]

Logan County Commission Office Staff Joins United Mine Workers of America

In an exciting development, the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) proudly announces the addition of the Logan County Commission Office staff to its ever-expanding family. The decision solidified through a resounding vote, marks a significant moment for UMWA members as we welcome our newest comrades with open arms. International President Cecil E. Roberts expressed […]

Local Union 1387 Union Hall , A Living Testament to Generations of Miners in Canmore, Canada

It is a season of rebirth for the old Local Union 1387 building, in the bustling town of Canmore, nestled in the heart of the Canadian Rockies.  Canmore had once echoed with the voices of miners who toiled deep in the earth and the building had stood as a testament to their struggles and triumphs […]

UMWA Statement on Manchin’s Decision to Not Run for U.S. Senate

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NOVEMBER 10, 2023   United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today: “While we are disappointed that Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) will not seek re-election for the U.S. Senate, we will forever remember his fierce determination to ensure our government kept its promise […]

MSHA Announces Proposed Silica Standard for Miners

  The resurgence of coal miners suffering from Pneumoconiosis or Black Lung disease in the last several years, and significantly in younger miners, are subjecting them to a shortened and debilitating existence.  The disease destroys the body and leaves many to die a suffocating death.  For decades, many denied that the condition even existed even […]

EPA Proposes New Carbon Pollution Standards for Coal-fired Power Plants. What it means for UMWA coal miners.

On May 11, 2023, the U.S.  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed new carbon pollution standards for coal and natural gas-fired power plants that they say will protect public health, reduce harmful pollutants and deliver up to $85 billion in climate and public health benefits over the next two decades.  In reality, a newer version of […]

Organizing for the Future

  Since the beginning of our Union in 1890, the UMWA was built on the fundamental philosophy that every person should have the opportunity to belong to a union, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, or gender.  Those basics still hold today as we move forward to a prosperous future. At the UMWA’s 56th […]

Associate Membership Spotlight

Jama Grundy   This month’s UMWA Associate Membership Spotlight casts a brilliant light on Jama Grundy, a devoted and outstanding member of the United Mine Workers of America. Sister Grundy embodies the strength and solidarity that define the UMWA community. “Her spirit, determination, and willingness to lend a helping hand wherever needed make her a […]

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