Secretary-Treasurer Sanson spoke at Solidarity Rally

Secretary-Treasurer Sanson spoke at this week’s Solidarity Rally at Tannehill State Park. UMWA members and supporters continue to rally together fighting for the contract the miners at Warrior Met Coal deserves! #UnitedWeStand #WarriorMetsWrong

July 21, 2021 United We Stand Solidarity Rally!

Thank you to everyone who came out this week in support of our Brothers and Sisters on strike at Warrior Met Coal. #WarriorMetsWrong and we need to stand together to get the contract our miners deserve!

On July 28, 2021, join the UMWA in New York City as we picket outside of Warrior Mets biggest investors!

August 4, 2021, the UMWA will be back in Alabama throwing the largest rally Brookwood has ever seen! #UnitedWeStand #DividedWeFall

Stand with Warrior Met Miners






Join the United Mine Workers of America, August 4, 2021 at Brookwood Ballpark to stand up to injustice!


Warrior Met Strike Solidarity Rally

Date: August 4, 2021

Time: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Location: Brookwood Ballpark, 15689 Hwy 216, Brookwood, AL


Go to our Facebook Event for more information!


More company violence on the Warrior Met picket line

The wife of a striking miner was hit while peacefully and legally walking a picket line at Warrior Met Coal here yesterday in other instance of company-inspired violence as Warrior Met attempts to intimidate strikers to return to work.

07.08.21 – Warrior Met Solidarity Rally

12th Warrior Met Solidarity Rally, we’re fighting one day longer! Come out next Wednesday, July 14th at 6:00 pm to show your support!

#UnitedWeStand #MinersSavedWarriorMet #Solidarity

June 30, 2021 Warrior Met Solidarity Rally

Come out and show your support for our Warrior Met Brothers and Sisters on strike! Next Wednesday, July 7th at 6 pm, at Tannehill State Park!

#UnitedWeStand #Solidarity #MinersSavedWarriorMet