December 6, 2021, marks the 59th anniversary of the tragic disaster that claimed the lives of 37 miners. Unfortunately this year, the memorial service was held virtually due the to COVID-19 pandemic. However, the importance of this event will never be forgotten. #NeverForget
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Kim Kelly: Coal Miners SHAME Greedy Private Equity Ghouls | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar
Source: Breaking Points
November 13, 2021
Krystal and Saagar are joined by labor reporter Kim Kelly for updates on the months-long strike by the coal miners at Warrior Met in Alabama.
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Kim Kelly’s Book:…
Coal Miner Strike Pantry:…
53rd Annual Farmington Memorial – Virtual Event
Unfortunately, to ensure the safety of our membership and their families, UMWA District 31 made the decision to hold this year’s 53rd Annual Farmington Memorial Service virtually.
It is the UMWA’s promise to always hold a memorial service to honor the 78 men who lost their lives in 1968 at the Farmington #9 mine.
We hope that next year we can hold this service in person.
UMWA 2021 Veterans Day Video from President Roberts
UMWA International President Cecil E. Roberts would like to wish all veterans a happy Veteran’s Day and to say “Welcome Home”.
Miners Against BlackRock
UMWA miners and hundreds of supporters marched to the BlackRock Headquarters on November 4, 2021, to show that our fight against Warrior Met doesn’t just exist in Alabama.
BlackRock is Warrior Mets biggest investor and no matter what any judge says, the UMWA will not stop protesting, will not stop rallying, will not stop picketing until justice is served.
October 13, 2021 – Warrior Met Coal Solidarity Rally
Thank you to everyone who came out to this week’s UMWA Solidarity Rally. We loved seeing all of the Halloween costumes and being able to stand together in #Solidarity against Warrior Met Coal! #OneDayLonger
REMINDER: Next week’s rally (October 20, 2021) is being held at the Brookwood Ballpark at 6:00 P.M. Call the District 20 office if you have any questions!
Battle of Blair Mountain 100 Years Later
2021 marks the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Blair Mountain, one of the most significant labor actions in American history.
We—museums, descendants of the RedNeck Army, labor activists, musicians, teachers, history buffs, and more—gathered in early September to host and attend a slate of events across Central Appalachia, and online. Collectively, these programs brought this proud, working-class history to new audiences in new ways.
And now, we’re excited to bring it to YOU with a short film that recaps just a few of the #Blair100 Centennial events.
The WV Mine Wars Museum led a 3-year planning process for the #Blair100 Centennial Commemoration. If these stories resonate with you, help us keep telling them!
Become a sustaining member of the WV Mine Wars Museum:
UMWA – Going on seven month of striking and not back down!
UMWA miners on strike at Warrior Met Coal are going on their 7th month of striking, and the fight will continue until these miners get the contract that they deserve! This week at Tannehill State Park, UMWA International President Cecil E. Roberts reminds the crowd what all of this is for and repeats that we are NOT backing down!
Warrior Met Strike Solidarity Rally – September 22, 2021
The United Mine Workers were back at Tannehill State Park this week rallying for the miners on strike at Warrior Met Coal. These miners have sacrificed for years to bring this company out of bankruptcy and all they are asking for is a fair contract that they deserve! #WarriorMetsWrong
08.17.21 Warrior Met Rally
UMWA’s 16th #Solidarity rally at Tannehill State Park. We will not give up. We will not back down. Join us next week, August 25th to help us fight for justice for the miners on strike at Warrior Met. #WarriorMetsWrong