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Union Plus Entertainment Discounts

Union Plus Entertainment Discounts offer savings to union families on over 300,000 fun things to see and do including movies, restaurants, shopping and much more!   HOW IT WORKS 1. Visit and register/login. 2. Choose your offer and select the green Redeem Offer button. 3. Check out, then get out there, and start having […]

United Mine Workers of America negotiates contract as future of Westmoreland Coal becomes uncertain

Editors Note: As a result of the negotiations described below, a contract extension with a $1 per hour pay raise was reached by the parties. Source: Kemmerer Gazette Kemmerer coal miners and United Mine Workers of America members packed the Event Center on Friday, April 20, to hear contract negotiations between UMWA and Westmoreland leadership.  […]

Joint Pension Committee Meets to Understand Risk of Plans Collapsing

Source: WV Metro News WASHINGTON — A congressional committee dedicated to addressing funding for multiemployer pension plans met Wednesday to understand how to protect the pensions of more than 1 million retirees. The Joint Select Committee on the Solvency of Multiemployer Pension Plans was created as part of the February solution ending the government shutdown. The […]

UMWA L.U. 1924 President Speaks on Behalf of the “Yes to NGS” Initiative

UMWA L.U. 1924 President Marie Justice spoke at an April 12 hearing in Washington D.C., asking Congress to keep the Navajo Generating Station (NGS) open. Justice was accompanied by several other L.U. 1924 members, as well as UMWA retirees from West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania who attended in a show of solidarity. “I come before […]

Kentucky Lawmakers Didn’t Consult with Feds About Limiting Black Lung Claims Reviewers

LEXINGTON, KY – – – The federal agency that trains, tests and certifies the physicians who read X-rays and diagnose the deadly coal miners’ disease black lung said it was not consulted by Kentucky lawmakers in the 14 months they considered a new law that mostly limits diagnoses to pulmonologists working for coal companies. As NPR […]

Cecil Roberts: We honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

Source: Charleston Gazette Mail As Americans mark the tragic assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis, Tennessee, 50 years ago this week, we must continue our struggle to ensure that he did not die in vain. There is still too much poverty, too much inequality in our nation. We have not made enough […]

Bill slows detection of black lung, other workplace illnesses

Source: Lexington Herald Leader  April 04, 2018 07:28 PM BY BILL LONDRIGAN AND AND STEVE EARLE In 1996, Kentucky instituted a completely new process for determining whether workers exposed to coal dust had contracted coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP), or black lung disease — a progressive, incurable disease caused only by breathing excessive amounts of coal […]

Tribal and Union Delegation Calls on Central Arizona Project Board of Directors

Source: PHOENIX, April 5, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — A group representing tribal leaders and the United Mine Workers of America today asked the Central Arizona Project (CAP) Board of Directors to take an active role supporting a smooth transition to new ownership for the Navajo Generating Station (NGS) and set aside proposals for power purchase agreements that […]

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