Veterans Administration Information
The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides health benefits to many Veterans for service-connected conditions and general health care. When certain qualifying factors are present, many benefits may result in no cost to the Veteran.
Veteran Health Benefits:
- VA Benefits are not Health Insurance
- VA Benefits do not normally cover a Veterans Family
- Having or not having Health Insurance does not affect eligibility
- VA Benefits require use of a VA approved facility or prior authorization to use a non-VA facility
- Using VA Benefits, Veterans may receive health care for service-connected and non-service-connected conditions
- VA Benefits will not pay a portion of services charged to Medicare and vice versa
- The VA will make the final determination of eligibility for VA Benefits
- A Veteran must meet the minimum length of service requirement of 2 years unless special circumstances exist.
- The character of a Veterans discharge may affect eligibility
Many Veterans can receive cost-free health care services and prescription based on the following:
- Income:
- Kentucky- A Veteran with one dependent with a total household income up to $51,315.00 may qualify for cost free health care.
- Illinois- A Veteran with one dependent with a total household income up to $57,915.00 may qualify for cost-free health care.
- Indiana- A Veteran with one dependent with a total household income up to $50,160.00 may qualify for cost-free health care.
- Ohio- A Veteran with one dependent with a total household income up to $57,530.00 may qualify for cost-free health care.
- Pennsylvania- A Veteran with one dependent with a total household income up to $57,145.00 may qualify for cost-free health care.
- Virginia- A Veteran with one dependent with a total household income up to $59,840.00 may qualify for cost-free health care.
- West Virginia- A Veteran with one dependent with a total household income up to $56,760.00 may qualify for cost-free health care.
- POW Status
- VA Deemed “catastrophically disabled” Veterans
- Treatment for conditions considered more than 50% service connected.
- In order to qualify for cost-free health services, the VA may, by law, require income verification.
- In the event that a Veteran does not qualify for cost-free health care, he/she may be expected to pay a portion of covered VA health services provided.
Some of the services upon which the VA allows a copay include:
- Primary Care Services
- Specialty Care Services
- Prescriptions
- Inpatient Care Services
- Geriatric and Extended Care Services
Some of the services on which the VA does not charge a copay include:
- Readjustment Counseling
- Smoking Cessation
- Lab Work
- Electrocardiograms
- Hospice Care
There are Services that are not covered by VA Benefits. Some of them are:
- Cosmetic Surgery
- In-vitro Fertilization
- Drugs and Medical Devices not approved by the FDA
Emergency Care:
VA Benefits cover Emergency Services in non-Va health care facilities under the following conditions:
- The VA facility cannot finish economical care due to distance from facility.
- The VA facility cannot provide the services necessary
1) The VA has an extensive network of over 1700 hospitals and clinics. The breakdown of the facilities based on where our UMWA members live is as follows:
- 3 Hospitals
- 19 Clinics
- 5 Hospitals
- 30 Clinics
- 3 Hospitals
- 16 Clinics
- 5 Hospitals
- 33 Clinics
- 9 Hospitals
- 36 Clinics
- 3 Hospitals
- 19 Clinics
West Virginia
- 4 Hospitals
- 10 Clinics
If a Veteran lives near a state line, the Veteran may attend a VA facility in neighboring state without any changes in benefits.
- Having health insurance may reduce or eliminate VA copays, if applicable.
- Veterans may supplement their VA Benefits with private insurance.
For more information or to apply for VA Benefits, please use the following:
Phone: (877) 222-8387
In Person: At Vet Centers and Regional Benefits Offices Nationwide