U.S. Senators Speaking in Support of the Miners’ Protection Act

U.S. Senators speaking out on the Senate floor about the Miners’ Protection Act, S. 1714. Thank you for your support Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), Sen. Robert Casey (D-PA), Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), and Sen. Paul Wyden (D-OR)! Contact your Senator and tell them to support the bill!

Click here to view videos of Senator Shelley Moore Capito and Congressman David McKinley supporting S. 1714 and H.R. 2403 respectively.

President Roberts Testifying at U.S. Senate Hearing

UMWA International President Cecil E. Roberts testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance on March 1, 2016. He spoke about the importance of passing the Miners’ Protection Act, S. 1714. Call your Senators and tell them to protect miners’ pension and retirement health care benefits!

Click here to view members of Congress speaking in support of S. 1714 and H.R. 2403.

UMWA Members Lobby Their Members of Congress

On March 16, 2016, more than 40 UMWA members and staff blanketed Capitol Hill to lobby their members of Congress and Senators to support S. 1714, the Miners Protection Act; and H.R. 2403, the Coal Healthcare and Pension Protection Act.

Joined by President Roberts and Secretary-Treasurer Kane, the members held 31 meetings in congressional offices, hallways, outside committee meetings rooms and wherever they could find their members of Congress.

Click here for the photo album.

125 Years of Struggle and Glory

The United Mine Workers of America: 125 Years of Struggle and Glory is a short documentary style video highlighting the union’s rich and militant history. In less than a century, the UMWA brought coal miners out from the horrible conditions of company towns and unregulated mines to some of the safest and best paid industrial jobs in rural North America.

Tom Breiding: Now It’s Here

Video of Tom Breiding’s new song “Now It’s Here,” highlighting the United Mine Workers of America’s campaign to preserve jobs and healthcare benefits for miners and retirees of Patriot Coal.