Capito Calls for Immediate Action to Save Benefits for Coal Miners


“Before Friday, we will move forward on a bill to fund the government. We must take action in that bill – the continuing resolution – to protect important benefits for our miners. If we don’t, we will be failing to act on behalf of thousands of American workers.”

Fighting for Retiree’s Future

The UMWA is ramping up the pressure on Congress to pass the Miners Protection Act in the next few weeks. Watch this video to see what we’ve done so far and share it with your friends and family!

U.S. Senator Capito in speaks in support of Miners’ Protection Act

U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WVa.) spoke during the June 21st floor proceedings about the importance of the Miners’ Protection Act, S.1714. Thank you for your support Senator Capito! Go to to learn more about what you can do to pressure Congress to pass this critical legislation, which has life or death implications for tens of thousands senior citizens across America.

Click here to watch a video of five other Senators and here to see Congressman David McKinley (R-WVa.) speaking in support of the legislation.

UMWA Coal Miners Rally in Lexington for Pension and Health Care

Over 5,000 UMWA members and supporters rallied in Lexington, Ky., on June 14, in support of passing the Miners’ Protection Act, S. 1714. Due to numerous bankruptcies in the coal industry, the lifetime retirement security promised to retired coal miners by President Harry Truman in 1946 is threatened. Join us in Washington, DC to pressure Congress to to pass this critical legislation, which has life or death implications for tens of thousands senior citizens across America.

Keep the Promise

Tell your Senators and member of Congress to support the Miners’ Protection Act, S. 1714 and H.R. 2403. This legislation means life and death to tens of thousands of coal miners, their spouses and dependents. It’s time for Congress needs to Keep America’s Promise!