Miners Protection Act reintroduced in both houses of Congress


JANUARY 17, 2017

No time to waste to protect health care and pension benefits for retired miners, widows


 [TRIANGLE, VA.]  United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“With today’s introduction of the Miners Protection Act (MPA) by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and 18 other Senators from both parties, this critical legislation is now available for action in both houses of Congress. Rep. David McKinley (R-W.Va) introduced it in the House on Jan. 2. I thank them and all of the bills’ co-sponsors in both houses.


“Congress passed a temporary stop-gap measure at the end of the last session in December that preserved retiree health care benefits for 16,500 people for a four-month period. That is clearly insufficient, as both Republican and Democratic leadership in both houses have indicated. Congress must act, and act fast, to resolve this issue and allow these senior citizens to live their lives without a continuing sense of doom hanging over their heads.


“This issue has been before Congress for more than four years now. Representatives and Senators of both parties support the MPA, and have for years. The Senate Majority Leader and the President-elect support the long-term preservation of health care benefits for these retirees, which we appreciate very much, although we need to preserve their pensions as well. The funding source is already there, and a way to pay for it without increasing the deficit is there as well.


“There is simply no reason not to act, and act quickly. We cannot allow the health care and pension benefits these miners earned in sweat and blood to be stripped away from them. They did everything our nation asked of them, providing the fuel that made America the greatest power on earth.


“Lives are on the line. Regional and local economies are on the line. Congress has stepped up and honored America’s moral promise to these miners on multiple occasions. It must do so again, and without delay.”

UMWA statement on passing of Bill Usery


DECEMBER 16, 2016

UMWA statement on passing of Bill Usery

[TRIANGLE, VA]  UMWA International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“I was very saddened to learn of the passing of my friend, William J. “Bill” Usery. He had a long and extremely successful career as someone who could bring labor and management together to find mutual ground, even in the most difficult circumstances.

“It is not a stretch to say that Bill Usery was, in many ways, responsible for the health care benefits retired coal miners, their dependents and widows enjoy today. His work as a federally-appointed mediator in the 1989-1990 UMWA strike at Pittston Coal resulted in an agreement to end the strike, with the union succeeding in maintaining retiree health care benefits.

“In the wake of Pittston strike, then Secretary of Labor Elizabeth Dole established the Dole Commission, which Bill chaired. That Commission found that retired miners had a reasonable expectation of lifetime health care benefits. Based on that finding, Congress in 1992 passed the Coal Act, which continues to provide for retiree health care benefits today.

“Bill Usery didn’t care what your politics were or what your ideology was. He just wanted to get results that benefitted both labor and management, so that workers could continue to provide for their families. In times like these, the world can use more people like Bill Usery. He will be sorely missed.”

New UMWA International Secretary-Treasurer named


DECEMBER 13, 2016

Bob Scaramozzino named as UMWA interim International Secretary-Treasurer, Levi Allen to become Secretary-Treasurer in July

[TRIANGLE, VA]  The United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) yesterday voted unanimously to ratify UMWA President Cecil E. Roberts’ nomination of veteran UMWA official Bob Scaramozzino to serve as International Secretary-Treasurer effective January 1, 2017.

Scaramozzino, who is 68, will replace Daniel J. Kane, who is retiring after serving 12 years as Secretary-Treasurer. Scaramozzino was a working coal miner at the Barnes & Tucker mine in Carrolltown, Pa., for 14 years before coming to work for the International Union as an International Health and Safety Representative in 1985.

During his 31-year career with the International Union, Scaramozzino has also served as the Deputy Administrator of the UMWA’s Health and Safety Department, as Administrator of the International President’s Office, and as Executive Assistant to the International President.

Scaramozzino will serve in the position for a 6-month period. On July 1, 2017, Levi Allen will become the International Secretary-Treasurer, filling the unexpired term for the next 2½ years. Scaramozzino will return to the President’s office as Executive Assistant.

Allen, 35 and a native of Moundsville, W. Va., went to work at the McElroy mine in Marshall County, W. Va. in 2007 (the mine is now called the Marshall County mine and is operated by Murray Energy). While there, Allen served in various positions in UMWA Local Union 1638, finishing as Local Union President. Allen came to work for the International Union in 2015.

“Bob Scaramozzino has dedicated his life to the UMWA and is one of the finest leaders in this union,” Roberts said. “There is no one better prepared to take on this interim role and help the UMWA through this transition.”

“Levi Allen is one of the new generation of leaders rising within our union,” Roberts said. “He is fresh out of the coal mine, and he is a strong advocate for our members who continue to provide the fuel that energizes much of our nation.

“Levi is tough when he needs to be, he is smart as a whip, and he is ready to take on all those who threaten our active members and our retirees who are fighting so hard to preserve their health care and pensions,” Roberts said. “I will be proud to have his strong hand at my side as we confront a host of serious issues threatening our active and retired members, their families and communities.”

UMWA statement on passage of Continuing Resolution


DECEMBER 09, 2016

[TRIANGLE, VA] United Mine Workers of America International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“While we are extremely disappointed that we were unable to achieve a full and final fix for our retirees’ health care and pensions at the end of this year’s Congress, our efforts were successful in winning a short-term extension of health care benefits for all of our members who received notices that their benefits would be terminated in January.

“But it is nowhere near to fulfilling the government’s promise to these people. We are more committed than ever to this fight, and will renew our efforts on the first day of the next Congress.

“I want to thank our stalwart supporters in this fight who carried us so far, especially Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), who fought for us every waking moment. Along with him stood Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Claire McKaskill (D-MO) and Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND).

“In the House of Representatives, Rep. David McKinley (R-WV) is committed to carrying this fight forward next year, as are all our House co-sponsors. We intend to hit the ground running in January and not stop until we have won the full measure of justice for our retirees.

“Congress needs to understand that these are real people whose lives are at risk, with real health care issues and real dependence on their small pensions to survive. To callously cast them aside as some have advocated in and out of Congress is inhumane and morally reprehensible.

“We will fight for them and the benefits they have earned in toil and blood every single day, and we will never give up. This is not a defeat, only final victory delayed.”

UMWA Statement on Continuing Resolution


DECEMBER 06, 2016

[TRIANGLE, VA] United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“The inclusion of a mere four months of spending on health care benefits for retired miners and widows is a slap in the face to all 22,000 of them who desperately need their health care next month, next year and for the rest of their lives.

“Further, the complete exclusion of any language to provide help for the pensions of 120,000 current and future retirees puts America’s coalfield communities on a glide path to deeper economic disaster.

“The notion that Congress needs more time to consider this matter is absurd. This legislation has been before Congress for four years, has been through regular order in the Senate as was requested by the Majority Leader, and was passed by the Senate Finance Committee by an overwhelming margin in September. The time to pass the full Miners Protection Act is now.

“Strong bi-partisan majorities in both houses of Congress support this legislation. They need to stand up and be counted for America’s retired miners and widows right now.

“America’s miners put their lives on the line to provide the fuel that built our nation. Is their reward to become a perpetual political football, doomed to beg every four months for the benefits they earned and our nation promised them?

“We will fight this travesty in any way we can, and invite any and all allies to join us.”

UMWA encouraged by Senators’ letter


NOVEMBER 22, 2016

[TRIANGLE, VA] United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“I am very encouraged and appreciative of the letter released today by 22 Senators to Congressional leadership, urging passage of the Miners Protection Act before Congress adjourns this year. This strong bi-partisan team includes Senators from Alaska to Florida, Minnesota to North Carolina and all points in between.

“Their clear message is that passing this legislation is not just critical for saving the lives of tens of thousands of coalfield retirees, it represents a ‘continuation of a longstanding commitment by our government to lifetime health and retirement benefits for our miners.’

“These retirees earned their retirement benefits through decades of dangerous, backbreaking work providing our nation with the energy it needed to become the most powerful on earth. They aren’t asking for a handout, they are simply asking the United States government to keep its promise to them.

“Some disasters, like floods and earthquakes, happen quickly and cause immediate suffering and loss of life. The disaster that will come to America’s coalfields if Congress fails to act on the Miners Protection Act will move slower, but will have the same terrible, deadly outcome.

“Congress can avoid this tragedy when it returns to Washington next week to wrap up its outstanding business. It must take action to preserve the health care and pension benefits of these retirees.”

President Roberts thanks Veterans for protecting Americans’ rights


NOVEMBER 12, 2016


[TRIANGLE, VA.] United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

”On this Veterans Day, it is important to remember that our basic rights as Americans are not guaranteed because simply someone wrote them down; they are guaranteed because people put on our nation’s uniforms and fought to defend them.

“Regardless of how people voted last Tuesday, their ability to do so was defended by generations of active duty service members – far too many of whom gave their lives. Our right to vote, our right to free speech, our right to worship as we please, our right to seek redress from our government, our right to protest and many more rights have been given to us by our veterans.

“So whether you are about to assume a political office as a result of the election or out in the streets protesting that same result, thank a veteran. They made it all possible.”

President Roberts’ statement on results of Nov. 8 election


NOVEMBER 9, 2016

[TRIANGLE, VA]  United Mine Workers of America International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“The people have spoken. Millions are happy with the results, millions are not. But they have all had the opportunity to make their voices heard.

“Working families in our nation’s coalfields are especially concerned about their future, and they made their voices heard loud and clear yesterday. President-elect Trump has spoken many times about addressing the serious economic disaster that is affecting large areas of Appalachia and other coal-producing areas of our country by putting coal miners back to work. No one is more interested in doing just exactly that than the UMWA.

“The first step to addressing the problems that exist in the coalfields is to ensure that the health care and pensions thousands of retirees worked their entire lives for are preserved. Failure to do so this year will only lead to more unemployment and misery in an area of the country that has seen more than its share of both. Congress needs to act in the coming lame-duck session to get this done and provide the jump-start toward revitalizing the coalfields that is so badly needed.”

UMWA appreciates Clinton support for Miners Protection Act


OCTOBER 13, 2016

[TRIANGLE, VA]  United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“I very much appreciate Secretary Clinton’s statement in favor of preserving promised retirement security for retired miners, their dependents and widows. As we work to finally secure a bi-partisan solution to maintaining the retirement benefits these workers earned in sweat and blood, we appreciate all the help we can get.

“This is not the first time she has been outspoken in her support for retired miners and their families. Indeed, she has been on the record for more than a year in opposition to coal companies using America’s broken bankruptcy laws to shed labor agreements and promised retiree benefits.

“Secretary Clinton’s is obviously an important voice on this issue, and we welcome her consistent and continued support.”


Patriot Retirees’ Health Care Benefits to End Dec. 31 Without Congressional Action


OCTOBER 07, 2016

[TRIANGLE, VA.] The United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) today released a letter that was sent by the Patriot Voluntary Employee Beneficial Association (Patriot VEBA) to some 12,500 of its beneficiaries informing them that the Patriot VEBA will run out of money to pay health care benefits on Dec. 31, 2016 (see letter below).

“These workers put their lives and their health on the line every day for 25, 35, even 45 years, providing the fuel that energized our nation and made it the most powerful country on Earth,” UMWA International President Cecil Roberts said. “They earned every penny of these benefits and now, through no fault of their own, they are on the brink of losing them.”

“America made them a promise 70 years ago: ‘You mine the coal that makes our country strong, and we will see to it that you have retirement benefits in your old age,’” Roberts said. “That promise has been kept by Congresses and administrations led by Republicans and Democrats from that day to this one. This Congress and this administration have a responsibility to do so once again.

“This is a life or death matter for thousands in the coalfields,” Roberts said. “They are counting on our government to fulfill its moral obligation and pass legislation this year that will save their lives.”

The legislation, S. 1714 in the Senate and H.R. 2403 in the House, would preserve these retirees’ health care and pension benefits using an existing appropriation already set aside for coal miners’ retirement benefits. The Senate Finance Committee last month approved S. 1714 by a bi-partisan 18-8 vote.

S. 1714 was introduced by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va) and has 22 co-sponsors in the Senate, evenly split between Republicans and Democrats. H.R. 2403 was introduced by Rep. David McKinley (R-W.Va.) and has 87 co-sponsors, 47 Republicans and 40 Democrats.

The affected retirees are those who worked at mines operated by Patriot Coal, Peabody Energy or Arch Coal and were represented by the UMWA. Patriot was created by a spin-off of Peabody’s unionized mines in 2007, and in 2008 it acquired mines that had been operated by Arch Coal.

Patriot entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2012, emerging on January 1, 2014. As part of the bankruptcy Judges’s order,, Patriot was relieved of its obligation to pay retiree health care benefits. However, the UMWA negotiated payments from Patriot and Peabody to fund the VEBA for several years. Arch later agreed to contribute funding for the VEBA as well.

Patriot was split up into separate companies as a result of a second bankruptcy in 2015, and Peabody and Arch filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2016.

“There is a ready solution to this critical problem,” Roberts said. “It is a simple solution, it is paid for and it is bi-partisan. When Congress returns to Washington in November, one of its first acts must be to pass this legislation and give these senior citizens the peace of mind that the benefits they paid for in sweat, toil and blood will be there when they need them.”


Patriot VEBA Termination Letter