Bankruptcy Court ruling against Consol a victory for former Murray Energy miners, retirees

FEBRUARY 3, 2021

Bankruptcy Court ruling against Consol a victory for former Murray Energy miners, retirees

[TRIANGLE, VA.] Commenting on Monday’s ruling by the Ohio federal Bankruptcy Court overseeing the bankruptcy of the former Murray Energy which denied Consol Energy’s attempt to overturn the bankruptcy case, United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“The Court’s decision means that Consol cannot shed its liabilities under the Coal Act in another company’s bankruptcy proceeding. That was the right decision and it validates the work the UMWA and our Local Unions did to preserve the jobs of nearly 2,000 of our members in that bankruptcy.

“Let’s be clear about this: Consol’s meddling in this bankruptcy case was a blatant attempt to keep a successful company from emerging from the Murray bankruptcy. It was trying to destroy the jobs of those 2,000 miners. That failed. It was trying to get out of its obligation to thousands of retirees under the Coal Act. That failed, too.

“Now Consol needs to live up to its obligation under the law and ensure that these retirees – all of whom worked for Consol – get the health care it promised them and they earned through decades of incredibly hard work.”


Roberts, Trumka mourn passing of John Sweeney

FEBRUARY 2, 2021


Roberts, Trumka mourn passing of John Sweeney

[Triangle, VA.] The United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today as the entire American labor movement mourns the passing of AFL-CIO President Emeritus John Sweeney:

“I met John Sweeney when John, Richard Trumka and Linda Chavez Thompson were running for the leadership of the AFL-CIO. It was unheard of to have a contested election, but it happened at the 1995 AFL-CIO convention in New York. It may have been the most exciting convention since 1935 when John L. Lewis left to start the CIO.

“John, Rich and Linda won that election and soon ignited the passions of workers everywhere. John was the most humble labor leader I ever met. He was always kind not just to me but to everyone he encountered. I had the honor of helping elect him and serving on the Executive Council when he was President.

“I have lost a great friend, but Heaven has gained a great leader. I am quite certain that Dr. King, A. Philip Randolph, Mother Jones and many others greeted him as he came through the pearly gates.”


 Click HERE to read the statement from President Trumka on the passing of AFL-CIO President Emeritus John Sweeney.

MSHA ETS legislation a critical tool to keep miners safe


FEBRUARY 1, 2021


[TRIANGLE, VA.] Today’s introduction of the COVID-19 Mine Worker Protection Act in Congress will provide the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) a critical and vitally-needed tool to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 among America’s nearly 200,000 miners employed in the nation’s coal, metal and nonmetal mines, the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) said today.


“An Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) at MSHA is long overdue, and should have been issued at the beginning of this pandemic,” UMWA International President Cecil E. Roberts said today. “You would think that the government agencies that are charged with protecting workers on the job would not have to be forced to do it. But that is where we find ourselves today.


“I welcome President Biden’s Executive Order directing MSHA to determine if an ETS should be issued, but that does not mean that the agency will do it,” Roberts said. “I fear that left to its own devices, MSHA will not take this needed action.


“This legislation will ensure that MSHA will issue such an order, enforce it and then make it permanent,” Roberts said. “I want to thank the bipartisan lawmakers in both houses of Congress who have come to the aid of miners, their families and their communities across America. I urge swift passage of this legislation.”


More than 500 UMWA miners have contracted the virus in the past 11 months. Many have been hospitalized, some have died. The extent of infection in nonunion mines is not known at this point, because MSHA is not keeping track. The UMWA represents about 30 percent of all active hourly coal miners in the United States.


Swift MSHA action on COVID Emergency Temporary Standard is critical


JANUARY 22, 2021


[TRIANGLE, VA.] United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

​“I applaud President Biden for his swift and decisive action to battle the coronavirus pandemic, especially with respect to ordering the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) to examine the need to issue Emergency Temporary Standards to better protect workers on the job. The UMWA represents workers who are covered by both agencies, and we believe the new leadership in place at OSHA will take quick action.

“Unfortunately, we do not have the same confidence regarding swift action at MSHA. There is no Assistant Secretary nominee as of yet, and left to its own devices I have great concern that a leaderless MSHA will choose to leave miners unprotected.

“That would be disastrous. While America’s mines have not seen the same level of infection and death that other workplaces have seen, the truth is that COVID-19 is running rampant in the mining sector. Hundreds of our members have tested positive, as have their family members. Miners have died, and more are getting sick every day.

“The UMWA is doing our best to work with the operators at mines where we represent the workers, but there is no consistency to protective actions taken by mine management. We cannot be the policemen at every mine, and we certainly cannot expect the industry to police itself. I can only imagine what the situation is like in nonunion operations where the workers have no voice in the safety of their workplaces. The swift application of consistent, enforceable standards is critical.

“America’s miners deserve the same level of health and safety protection that every other American worker receives from their government. This administration came to power on the promises of caring about all workers and their families, and fighting the pandemic on all fronts. Here is its first opportunity to demonstrate that commitment.”


January 6, 2021: A dark day in American history


JANUARY 7, 2021

[TRIANGLE, VA.] United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“The violence that swept up Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. yesterday was sickening to all true Americans. There is nothing wrong with peaceful protest. Every American has the right to protest and to make our voice heard. I and millions of others who served in our nation’s armed forces fought our country’s wars to secure that right.

“But no one, no matter how high their office, has the right to incite violence. No one, no matter how deep their grievance, has the right to destroy property. No one, no matter what their political views, has the right to threaten members of Congress and their staffs who are performing their constitutional duty on behalf of all of us.

“We saw all of that yesterday, and worse. People are dead. Police officers are injured. And for what? Nothing was changed.  Congress discharged its duty and America’s democratic principles prevailed.

“All we are left with are the images of a violent mob attacking the very foundation of our Republic. Once they did that, they stopped being protesters and became criminals. America is better than that.”


COVID relief legislation “a good first step”

DECEMBER 21, 2020


UMWA able to further protect retiree health care in 2021 omnibus

[TRIANGLE, VA.] United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“The COVID relief package that a bipartisan group of Senators – including the UMWA’s friends Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Mark Warner (D.-Va.), and Rob Portman (R-OH) – initiated is long overdue and a good first step to helping tens of millions of our fellow citizens stay in their homes, feed their families and get the health care they need as this pandemic rages on even stronger. As vaccines begin to be administered around the country, this is more welcome news.

“We were pleased to be able to provide further protection in the FY 2021 omnibus appropriations bill for some 8,000 retired coal miners, their dependents and widows whose companies are still paying for their health care benefits but are threatened with future bankruptcy. 2019 and even more so 2020 have been especially bad years for the coal industry. Although we would much prefer to see the industry reverse its current slide, we needed to take action in case it does not.

“Now those retirees can have the peace of mind that they will have their health care, and funding for their pensions that we won just a year ago will not be threatened. I want to thank our bipartisan friends in the Senate and House who went to leadership about this provision, thank those leaders for agreeing to it and especially thank Speaker Pelosi for being such a strong voice on our retirees’ behalf.

“I am also glad that we were able to extend the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund excise tax at current levels for an additional year, although we need much more action to stabilize the Fund. The entire Black Lung benefits system needs an overhaul, and this will give us time to get the details of that worked out with all stakeholders.

“I was pleased to see the new round of assistance in the COVID funding package for the unemployed and direct payments to working families. We have close to two thousand of our members who are currently laid off; they and their families can use this assistance immediately. I am also glad to see that our nation’s transportation industry is getting assistance that it so critically needs. It is good news that 32,000 airline employees will be called back to work in the coming days.

“There is much more to be done. The jobs of our first responders who work for state and local governments are in trouble because of Congress’ failure to include assistance for those entities. That puts us all at greater risk. Critical state and municipal services that working families rely on will be put on hold. Congress must build off the spirit of bipartisanship that got this COVID package off the ground and work with the incoming administration to ensure our nation and its people can come out of the pandemic later next year with an economy that is primed to grow and that will leave no one behind.”


UMWA supports bi-partisan initiative for COVID relief


DECEMBER 7, 2020


[TRIANGLE, VA.] United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“It is critical that Congress act without delay to pass a COVID relief package that will provide additional unemployment benefits, an additional bar on evictions, aid to state and local governments, extension of a Payroll Support Programs (PSP) for the airline industry, help for small businesses and more. American working families have been waiting for this help since September. There must not be any further delay.

“Thousands of UMWA members are unemployed right now, both in the coal industry and in other industries. Indeed, by some measures this has been one of the worst years for the coal industry in almost 90 years. Our members did nothing wrong, yet they and their families are hurting.

“Hopefully their jobs will return as Americans get vaccinated and we begin to work our way out of this pandemic and the economic disaster it has caused. But in the meantime, the help they would receive from an additional $1,200 per month in supplemental unemployment benefits will be a Godsend.

“As essential workers, the vast majority of UMWA members have been on the job throughout this troubled time. Nearly 300 of our active members have contracted COVID-19, hundreds more of our retirees have as well. Many of them have been hospitalized. Some have passed away. I salute all of them for their perseverance throughout this pandemic, and urge them to continue to stay safe, wear a mask and get the vaccine when it becomes available.

“I commend those members of Congress who worked in a bipartisan fashion to finally get Congress moving on providing the relief Americans so desperately need. I am especially glad that Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) is one of those spearheading this effort. I know he cares deeply about working families in West Virginia and around the country, as do the others who have contributed to this legislation.

“Let’s get this done, and done in a way that provides the most relief possible to those who need it while still upholding critical safety and health protections for those who are working.”


OIG report on lack of MSHA silica standard “right on the money”


NOVEMBER 23, 2020


[TRIANGLE, VA.] United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“The report from the Department of Labor’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) is right on the money and reinforces what the United Mine Workers have been saying for years: It is long past time for MSHA to fulfill its responsibilities and act to protect miners from silicosis or progressive massive fibrosis (PMF). MSHA knows what measures it must take in order to ensure safe and healthy work environments for the nation’s miners and it has known it for years. The Agency has a responsibility to enact those measures.

“On June 19, 2019, the UMWA, along with the United Steel Workers (USW), sent a joint letter to Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health David Zatezalo concerning this very issue. The letter spelled out the evidence proving that miners are experiencing an epidemic of black lung and PMF that is being caused, in large part, by silica exposure. The letter also gave recommendations as to how the Agency could better protect miners from respirable coal and silica dust.

“The next day, June 20, 2019, I testified before Congress about the effects of coal dust and silica exposure on the lives of America’s miners. That was almost a year and a half ago and we still have no meaningful progress toward a protective silica dust rule. This administration failed to properly protect miners from this insidious disease. It will now fall to the next administration to issue an effective silica rule.

“The current push by some in the industry for allowing respirators or other personal protective equipment to be a primary means of controlling silica dust is troubling. The law is clear: Mine operators must provide a safe, dust-controlled atmosphere for miners using engineering and ventilation methods, which are more than capable of properly reducing dust levels. We look forward to working with the new leadership at the agency to ensure that is what happens.”



On June 20, 2019, President Cecil Roberts spoke to the committee on Education and Labor about the need for action!

The Presidential election is over. It’s time to move on.


NOVEMBER 20, 2020


[TRIANGLE, VA.] United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“I have watched with growing concern the actions of the Trump campaign and the President himself in their effort to overthrow the will of the American people and claim some sort of victory in the face of the overwhelming vote of the American people for President-elect Biden.

“While there is nothing wrong with a candidate asking for a recount where it is appropriate and asking for legal review of the results, that has now happened in state after state and there has been little to show for it. The President’s campaign has lost in court after court.

“But now something sinister is occurring. The President and his campaign have largely given up the legal battle and are putting pressure on state elections officials and legislators to deny the verdict of the voters and overturn their democratic rights. This is a threat to our entire form of government and the American way of life.

“I, along with hundreds of thousands of other veterans, did not go off to fight our country’s wars so that the very foundation of what actually does make America great – government of, by and for the people – could be subverted. That is the path the President’s campaign is on now. It cannot stand.

“The cockamamie notion that there was some plot launched in a failed state in South America that somehow affected the count of millions of voters is just absurd. Whether you like the outcome or not, the American people have spoken, and their will must now be placed ahead of everything else.

“The UMWA did not support either candidate for President in this election. Our members voted for the candidate of their choice – some voted for President Trump, and some voted for President-elect Biden. They, like an unprecedented number of American voters, had their say. And they recognize that it is time to move on and get with the business of ending the coronavirus pandemic, bringing our economy back to life and helping those who have lost everything to get back on their feet.

“The UMWA is prepared to do what we always do: Fight for safe, healthy and family-sustaining jobs for our members, protect our retirees’ health care and pensions, and organize new members so that they can enjoy the benefits of a union contract on the job. We will work with the Biden administration where we can and we will oppose it where we must. That is the long tradition of this great union no matter who is in the White House, and we will carry it onward.”


UMWA’s Roberts: Sale of Cumberland mine potentially good news


November 12, 2020

[TRIANGLE, VA.] Commenting on the announcement that Contura Energy has reached a agreement to sell the Cumberland mine, in Greene County, Pa., to Iron Senergy Holding LLC, United Mine Workers of America International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

​“This announcement breathes new life into the Cumberland mine, which had just two years of life left under Contura’s ownership. There are plentiful reserves at that mine and a highly productive, professional workforce that will hopefully be able to work at that mine for many more years.

​“We are still learning the full details of this transaction and have yet to talk to the buyers. I want our members at Cumberland to know that our collective bargaining agreement will continue in full force and effect under the new owners. We will provide our members more details as they become available.”
