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Coal Mine’s Closure Leaves Hopi, Navajo Homes Without Heat This Winter

Source: KNAU Arizona Public Radio

The Kayenta coal mine in northeastern Arizona shut down last year, along with the power plant it supplied. Coal from that mine used to light up Las Vegas and Los Angeles and supply the electricity to pump water to Phoenix and Tucson. Those cities have been able to turn to other sources of energy. Not so on the Hopi and Navajo Nations. For decades tribal members relied on Kayenta coal to heat their homes, and now it’s their first winter without reliable or affordable fuel. KNAU’s Melissa Sevigny reports on what Hopi community leaders call a devastating crisis.

The Kayenta Mine is a 2 hour drive from Monica Nuvasma’s home in Shongopovi on Second Mesa. Before the mine closed she used to go there to collect coal for her grandmother. She recalls waiting in line for 10 hours, “and when we got to the entrance the mine had closed by 3 o’clock. There were many families who were leaving before midnight the day before just to be parked in line.”

But Nuvamsa says the drive was worth it. Two or three truckloads of coal could warm a house all winter. “Coal economically works better because it burns longer, you don’t need as much in order to heat your home,” she says.”

Losing coal has led to a public health crisis on the Hopi Nation. There are few other options for heating homes. Propane and space heaters are expensive, and many houses don’t have electricity. Trees are scarce; the nearest places to buy or cut wood are hours away by car.

Nuvasma says, “I think that that’s a really difficult thing for most people to grasp, when they just turn their thermostat or push a button, and they get the heating.”

One nonprofit, Red Feather Development Group, is trying to ease the hardship created by Kayenta’s closure. The group runs workshops on alternative heating options, and hires contractors to weatherize houses so they hold the heat better. Joe Seidenberg, the executive director, says, “There are people that are living with extreme housing disparities, with major holes in their roofs, with cardboard windows,  that… are at a real risk for freezing to death.”

Seidenberg says Red Feather installed 5 solar powered furnaces and weatherized or made repairs on 91 homes last year on Hopi and Navajo. But the group is limited by funding and has a long waitlist. Kayenta’s closure affects 9,000 people on Hopi and 170,000 on Navajo.

“It is truly an injustice that this is happening in the United States of America,” Seidenberg says.

One of Red Feather’s customers is Chelsea Sekakuku. Contractors add insulation and fix broken windows in her 80-year-old stone house in Kykotsmovi Village on Third Mesa. Sekakuku burns wood in her coal stove now. “I’m having to get up twice a night to check the fire, make sure it’s still going. I’m having to chop wood beforehand, in the morning, in the evening.”

It takes Sekakuku and her three children a full day to gather a truckload of wood, which only lasts one week. “It’s just a lot of physical work,” she says. “And not everyone is able to afford wood, but it’s a necessity now.”

Melissa Alcala is the community service administrator for the Village of Tewa on First Mesa. She started a new program this winter in response to Kayenta’s closure to get regular deliveries of wood from the White Mountain Apache Timber Company.

Workers chop the timber into small sizes called Soh’so wood, the Hopi word for grandmother. Alcala explains, “We cut them up into Soh’so woods, so they’re not heavy to lift. We want to make it as easy as possible for elders to keep warm.”

The village sells the wood for $240 a cord, but Alcala says elders get a supply for free, “because some of them are burning their clothes now. They’re burning weeds … It kills me to not be able to help. However I only service this village.”

Some Hopi blame the tribal government for not preparing better for Kayenta’s closure. But Vice Chairman Clark Tenakhongva says the U.S. government bears responsibility for forcing Hopi to mine coal that made the Southwest’s cities flourish, while the reservation remains in poverty. The Hopi Nation lost 80 percent of its tribal budget when coal royalties ceased.

Tenakhongva says, “I’m just hoping, just hoping, that we do not lose anybody throughout this season to any kind of exposure.” He says this winter many must choose between eating and keeping warm.

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Coal pensions: Bill provides reassurance to miners

Source: Pittsburgh Post Gazette 

January 2, 2019

It took more than four years of lobbying and pleas for help, but the nation’s retired and active coal miners finally got what they very much deserve — reassurance that their pensions would remain intact.

Included in the federal spending plan signed by President Donald Trump was the bipartisan American Miners Act, a bill that will use excess funds from a federal abandoned mine reclamation program to strengthen the United Mine Workers of America retirement plan.

The funding couldn’t come a moment too soon for the UMWA plan that was headed for insolvency by 2022. With the coal industry in a downward spiral, the pension plan faced nearly insurmountable challenges — huge investment losses from the 2008 financial crisis, dozens of coal company bankruptcies and continuing layoffs.

In 2017, only about 10,000 active miners were paying into the fund, while nearly 120,000 were drawing pension checks, including 13,000 retirees in Pennsylvania. About $15 million goes into the fund a year — from workers and coal companies — but payouts total about $600 million.

UMWA officials, worried that the pension fund was headed to the financial brink, rallied support in 2015 from senators in coal-mining states, including Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa. The proposal to use funds from the abandoned mine program, though supported by many lawmakers, stalled because Republican leadership questioned supporting a bailout for a labor union. Miners and union officials have spent the last four years convincing lawmakers that the need is real and immediate.

Many multi-employer pension funds managed jointly by labor unions and employers find themselves in financial peril. The UMWA situation is unique in that widespread job cuts can be traced directly to stricter environmental regulations and the move to natural gas as a cleaner-burning fuel source. Using funds from the abandoned mine program to shore up the pension fund is the logical move, given that the program is funded by coal companies.

The mine workers’ pension fight underscores a bigger issue facing Congress as a growing number of multi-employer pension plans are badly underfunded. That puts further pressure on the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, which guarantees pensions but finds itself in a precarious financial position if forced to take over those failed plans. Even more ominous for pensioners is the fact that once PBGC takes control of the plan, benefits can be cut by as much as half.

Some lawmakers held up action on the UMWA pension proposal, arguing that Congress should address the issue of all underfunded pension plans, rather than singling out one for relief. Underfunded plans certainly demand a comprehensive approach by lawmakers, but it would have been unconscionable to fail to address the impending crisis facing UMWA members.

Coal miners, for decades, have performed dangerous work that carried with it long-term health risks, all the while fueling the nation’s power plants and steel mills. A guaranteed pension is the least they deserve in retirement.

Westmoreland and Estevan mine employees reach new deal

The over 300 employees of the Estevan Mine, members of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) Local 7606, ratified a four-year collective bargaining agreement on Dec. 16.

Collective bargaining between Westmoreland Mining LLC and the UMWA Local 7606 began on July 30 and the parties were able to reach an agreement after numerous bargaining sessions.



Jody Dukart, international auditor/teller for the United Mine Workers of America, said in a press release: “Our world-class professional workforce has a proud history of protecting and furthering the rights of workers.

“The recently ratified memorandum of the agreement continues to provide a competitive compensation and benefits package that provides quality jobs and supports low-cost, reliable, baseload electrical power for the people of Saskatchewan.

“While we may have been unable to agree upon every issue at the bargaining table, our ability to work together through difficult issues is a testament to our strong relationship and a great example of collaboration towards achieving mutually beneficial solutions.”

Tom Shaw, general manager of the Estevan Mine, added: “The coal industry is facing strong headwinds and faces strong competition from natural gas and renewable competitors.

“With our primary customer being at the forefront of carbon capture technology – both development and utilization, our Estevan mine is uniquely positioned to continue to play a role in the Saskatchewan energy portfolio.

“Over the past months, we have worked collaboratively with the UMWA to gain efficiencies that will better position ourselves as a low-cost producer and extend our competitive advantage. This ratified collective agreement will provide labour stability for the next four years and allow us to continue environmentally-responsible, safe production, and remain the fuel source of choice in Saskatchewan’s power industry.”

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A Letter to the Navajo Nation

December 17, 2019


Brothers and Sisters,


This is a follow-up to the October 1, 2019 letter that we sent to you concerning the Nation’s refusal to bargain with the UMWA. We want to provide you with an update regarding this dispute.

The UMWA is working very hard to get the Nation to resume bargaining to reach a new Collective Bargaining Agreement covering the Executive Branch, Division of Public Safety, and Navajo Head Start. As of the date of this letter; we have not received a response from the Nation regarding our bargaining request.

The UMWA has also filed a lawsuit against the Nation in the Nation’s court system for its failure to recognize the UMWA as its bargaining agent. There has also been no response from the Nation on the lawsuit, but we expect the Nation to file its answer shortly.

We face a big fight in getting the Nation to comply with Navajo law and to bargain with the UMWA. President Roberts is committed to doing whatever is necessary to win this fight on our behalf. However, we need your help as well.

The October 1, 2019, letter asked that you contact/write President Nez’s office and also contact/write your respective Council Delegate. Hopefully, by now you have done this. If you have not, please do so right away. Keeping you advised of our efforts is of the utmost importance.

We desperately want to keep the lines of communication open. In order to accomplish this, we are asking you to complete a contact form you can find here.

This information will ensure that we will be able to contact and communicate with you. Together, if we “Stand in Solidarity” we will be successful. Should you have any questions contact Justin Tsosie at (928)255-7644 or email at jsosie75@hotmail.com.


In Solidarity,



Miners say “It started with a promise”

Source: WDTV

December 17, 2019



W.Va (WDTV) — After years of fighting, it looks like mine workers will finally be getting the benefits they say they were promised back in 1946.

Senator Manchin’s Bipartisan American Miners Act is now included in the final budget bill.

The bill will be reviewed by the House and Senate later this week and finally sent to President Trump.

Mark Dorsey has been retired from the West Virginia mines for ten years now.

“Feeling real great, early Christmas present,” said Dorsey regarding the legislation.

He says he can still remember the promise made to the miners regarding their service.

“We was promised if we supplied coal to the nation to make the steel that we would have forever pensions and healthcare.”

But he also says federal budget issues have caused the miners to have to fight for this promise to be kept for the last ten years.

“We had to fight for it every step of the way. We earned this, this is something that we should’ve had without having to have this fight.”

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin says he’s been on the front lines to secure the funding for quite some time.

“We had to do something and do it now, we couldn’t wait until next year, the year after. We did not have that luxury, people would start hurting and hurting badly at the end of this year and by March of next year they would have been devastated,” said Senator Manchin.

The Senator’s American Miners Act was recently folded into the government funding bill.

Dorsey says people will die without the protections.

“We stand to lose our pensions and healthcare this coming year, so if you take the healthcare and pensions away from the retirees well most people are going to have to go back to work, you cant survive without it. People will die without the healthcare.”

Manchin said on Twitter he got a call from President Trump and according to the tweet is “very happy for our miners and is looking forward to signing this bill into law.”

Dorsey says he and many others at United mine workers can hardly remember a time when they weren’t fighting for the promise of healthcare, but this new legislation has brought them new hope.

“This has been some ten years in the making, its finally happened, its truly a great day,” said Dorsey.

Dorsey went on to say that today was a milestone for all mine workers..and he cant wait for the bill to receive the sign of approval.

Written by: Gillian Mencken

Roberts credits UMWA retirees with victory

Source: WV MetroNews

December 17, 2019


WASHINGTON, D.C. — United Mine Workers of America President Cecil Roberts won’t rest until the legislation to shore up pension and healthcare benefits for his members is signed by President Donald Trump. However, speaking on MetroNews “Talkline” Tuesday, Roberts admitted he was extremely confident the time will arrive this week.

It’s the end of what has been a long and strenuous fight for Roberts and the rank-and-file members of the union. For the past four years pensioners and their families have traveled to massive rallies across the country to stand up and demand the pension and healthcare they say they were promised by the federal government in 1946. Until now, their protests seemed to fall on deaf ears.

“Some of the most impressive lobbying you’ve ever seen were UMWA retirees and those camouflaged t-shirts. They were the talk of Capitol Hill. UMWA retirees in $6 tee-shirts out lobbied K-Street lobbyists in $10,000 suits,” Roberts said.

Although to Roberts and retirees, the crises was clear from the first time they spoke to Congress, it took more drastic changes to move the needle. A series of events in recent months made the difference. The most recent was the bankruptcy of Murray Energy. Murray was the last company paying into the fund which upheld the benefits. Their loss left the plan with no support and without congressional intervention it would have failed.

But for Roberts, it was more than that.

“The Murray bankruptcy, Senator (Mitch) McConnell coming on board and the persistence of Senator Manchin and Capito and Congressman McKinley, all of that put together,” he said.

The American Miner Act is part of the package to keep the government funded past Dec. 20. It’s a load of a lot of minds, according to Roberts.

“It’s just really good news. I know this is such a blessing, particularly at this time of the year so people can go into next year not worrying about buying health insurance out of their own pocket and they depend on these pension checks to live,” he said.

He added, the impact on the West Virginia economy is also a factor. The miners’ pension and healthcare benefits pump $1.5 billion annually into the Appalachian region. The money is spent in the communities on basic necessities and durable items, but also creates health care facilities and jobs for many in the region as well.

“This touches a lot of people in West Virginia,” said Roberts.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the $1.4 trillion funding package Tuesday afternoon.

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Miners pension funding will get a vote this week in Congress as part of government funding package

Source: WV MetroNews

December 16, 2019


WASHINGTON, D.C. — A long fight which has kept retired coal miners in West Virginia and across the United States with near constant uncertainty may be nearing an end.

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin on Monday announced the bipartisan American Miners Act will be included in the funding package to keep the federal government operating beyond Dec. 20. A vote on the funding package is expected by Friday.

“Today we came to an agreement that will finally secure pensions and healthcare for our coal miners and their families. We have honored the promise this country made to them back in 1946,” said Manchin in a release announcing the agreement.

Manchin and other members of the state’s congressional delegation have been pushing for a congressional fix from at least 2015 and trying to get an agreement to use excess funds from the Abandoned Mine Lands fund to shore up the healthcare and pensions of nearly 100,000 retired coal miners, their widows, and families across West Virginia. The urgency was accelerated with the recent bankruptcy of Murray Energy, the last of the large coal companies still contributing to the UMWA healthcare and pension funds. There was a fear without the legislation, thousands of miners would lose their healthcare and pension benefits on Jan. 1, 2020.

“The inclusion of Bipartisan American Miners Act in the appropriations legislation to be considered by Congress this week is a tremendous victory for tens of thousands of retired miners, their families and their communities,,” said United Mine Workers of America President Cecil Roberts in a statement reacting to Manchin’s announcement.

“We are close, but the fight is not yet over. The House will vote on this tomorrow, and the Senate will vote later in the week. We will continue our efforts to ensure that this language stays in the legislation throughout the process, because there are still those who oppose allowing retirees to live out their days with the measure of comfort and dignity that they have earned,” he said.

Roberts also praised other West Virginia elected leaders.“Our three champions on both sides of Capitol Hill fought hard against sometimes long odds to get us to this day: Senator Joe Manchin (D – W.Va.) Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Representative David McKinley (R-W.Va.). They never quit, they never turned around, they never stopped working side by side with us to get this done,” Roberts said.

Capito said Monday that she’s looking for a strong bipartisan vote so the bill can be sent to the desk of President Donald Trump.

“I’m grateful to our West Virginia miners—who I’ve stood alongside throughout this entire process—for their hope, their patience, and the hard work they’ve done for decades to power our country,” Capito said. “Leader McConnell, Senator Manchin, and I have worked in a bipartisan way on this issue, and I thank them both for their tireless efforts to make sure we secure these hard-earned benefits for our miners.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell got on board with the legislation last month.

“Having Senator McConnell actually support the bill is a great harbinger of what could come,” Capito predicted at the time.

First District Congressman David McKinley said by the end of the week there will finally be peace for 100,000 retirees, widows, and families who depend on the UMWA pension fund.

“This agreement to keep the promise to our retired miners comes as a result of a years-long bipartisan effort that I have been proud to lead in the House,” McKinley said. “Working alongside Senators Capito and Manchin and the United Mine Workers, we have kept this issue front and center. I look forward to this agreement passing the House and Senate later this week and being signed into law.

Hundreds of miners and widows have been frequent visitors to the U.S. Capitol building and the offices of U.S. senators during the last few years urging passage of the legislation.

Navajo Nation Employees Collective Bargaining Rights

Your rights are under attack!!!


            That’s right, your rights granted by past Navajo Nation Councils and Presidents are being ignored.  We want to let you know what is happening right now as you read this information.  But first, please allow us to give you a little history about your rights.

            In 1992, the Navajo Nation Council voted to put in place what is known as the Navajo Preference in Employment Act and it was signed by the Navajo Nation President.  This law covered numerous issues that effect any person that is employed on the Navajo Nation.  Included in this law are Employees who work for the Navajo Nation Government.  For the first time these Employees had the right to join, form, support a Union or to not join, form, or support a Union.

            In 1995, Employees who worked for the Navajo Nation elected to join a Union – United Mine Workers of America.  They overwhelming signed petitions authorizing the Union to represent them.  The Director of the Office of Navajo Labor Relations denied these Employees their legal rights.  The Union sued the Navajo Nation to protect those Employees’ rights.  After years of legal battles those rights were won for Navajo Nation Employees.

            Now, we fast forward to January 2018, when it was time to bargain a new collective agreement, the Russell Begaye administration indicated they would bargain but as we reached the expiration dates of the E-Branch & Public Safety agreements they failed to negotiate.

            With the election of a new President, Jonathan Nez, we held hope that they would uphold Navajo Law.  However, after numerous meetings and broken promises, we received a letter from Chief of Staff, Paul Chaco indicating that they not only would not follow Navajo Law on the two agreements and would not bargain on the Head Start agreement.

            The United Mine Workers of America have again filed a lawsuit to protect your rights.

            As stated earlier, it is your right to join or form a union or to not join or form a union.  It is NOT the President’s right to abolish your legal rights.  If they are allowed to violate this law, no one knows what law they may violate next.


Speak Out!

Demand that Your Rights are Preserved!

Ask Your Council Delegate to Hold the Administration Accountable!!!