35th Wilberg Disaster Memorial

This year marks the 35th year since the tragic Wilberg Mine Disaster.

A remembrance tribute was held on October 22, 2019 at the monument site where International Secretary Treasurer Levi Allen, International Vice President Mike R. Dalpiaz  and Labor Commissioner for the State of Utah, Jaycen Maughn spoke to those in attendance.

There was also a lantern presentation and the coal miners tribute that was led by International Vice President Dalpiaz.

UMWA Murray Bankruptcy Meeting in Morgantown, West Virginia

On November 6, 2019 UMWA International President Cecil E. Roberts held a meeting for active members and retirees from Murray Energy in Morgantown, West Virginia to discuss the most recent bankruptcy filing.


The UMWA held two additional meetings about this topic on November 13, 2019 at the Waterfront Marriot in Morgantown, West Virginia and on November 14, 2019 at the Kovalchick Convention in Indiana, Pennsylvania.


The next meeting will take place on:

Date: December 4, 2019

Time: 11:00 a.m.

Location: Aiken Theater at the Old National Events Plaza 715 Locust St, Evansville, IN 47708


For more information call the UMWA International Office at 703-291-2400.


Click here for a PDF version of the November 6, 2019 presentation.

Message from President Roberts with an update on our Pension Legislation

President Roberts gives an update on the current pension legislation that will secure the hard-earned pensions our nation’s miners deserve.

Call Congress TODAY and let them know they need to ACT NOW to preserve miner’s pensions. Pass the Miners Pension Protection Act!

Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Willard Dingus – Moss 3 Takeover

Local Union 1259 member, Willard Dingus, looks back at the takeover of the Moss 3 Preparation Plant during the UMWA 1989 Strike against the Pittston Coal Company.

Stolen Pensions | Coal Miners | AFL-CIO Video

In 1946, Congress made a promise to coal miners that we would take care of them after a lifetime of dangerous work. Today, the Mine Workers (UMWA) pension plan is at serious risk following the 2008 financial crisis and subsequent coal company bankruptcies. With the support of the UMWA and allies, Congress is considering the Miners Pension Protection Act, which would ensure that the country keeps its promises to miners who helped make sure our electrical grid had the fuel it needed.

We want to thank to AFL-CIO and all of it’s affiliates for their incredible support for our bill, the Miners Pension Protection Act. Call your representative today and tell them to ACT NOW to preserve the pensions of those who have earned and deserve it!

Congressional Switchboard: (202) 224-3121

Pension Fight – Jay Kolenc

Coal miners earned their pensions. Congress is their last hope. ACT NOW!

Call your member of congress at (202) 224-3121. #PassMPPA