Some want to close the Navajo Generating Station (NGS) in Arizona, costing 825 utility and mining jobs. But the UMWA is fighting back!
We say Yes to NGS!
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Some want to close the Navajo Generating Station (NGS) in Arizona, costing 825 utility and mining jobs. But the UMWA is fighting back!
We say Yes to NGS!
Like us on Facebook at Yes to NGS, follow us on Twitter @yestoNGS
Congress needs to act now to preserve the hard earned pensions our retired coal miners have earned!
Call Congress today at 202-224-3121.
UMWA members were back on Capitol Hill to fight for what they deserve and have earned.
Call Congress today at 202-224-312 and tell them to support the American Miners Pension Act.
UMWA retirees have been fighting for their pensions for 9 years.
We won’t stop until we win! Join us!
President Roberts updates the fight for our pensions and looks ahead to what’s coming next year. From all of us at the UMWA, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
A bipartisan group of U.S. senators and representatives announced today the introduction of the “American Miners Pension (AMP) Act.” The new legislation would protect the pensions of retired coal miners whose pensions have been placed in jeopardy by an unprecedented wave of bankruptcies by coal producers.
The lead sponsors of a new bi-partisan, bi-cameral legislation that will be introduced today to preserve hard-won pensions for more than 117,000 active and retired coal miners are holding a press conference today at 11:30 a.m. to discuss the new bill and the innovative approach it takes to solve the looming insolvency of the miners’ pension plan.
President Roberts talks about the fight to win retirees health care, and the need to preserve pensions. The International Executive Board called for a Special Convention to ensure the Union has the resources to win the pension battle and successfully bargain contracts for our Members.
On May 4, 2017, Congress voted for a government funding bill preserving health care for 22,600 miners, dependents and widows. They did not, however, pass the pension language.
The Miners Pension Protection Act as been introduced in both houses of Congress as S.1105 and H.R.2713.
Contact your Senators and Representatives and tell them to support this legislation.