UMWA Mourns Miner Killed at Central Appalachian Mining


FEBRUARY 27, 2023


UMWA Mourns Miner Killed at Central Appalachian Mining


[TRIANGLE, VA.] United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“The UMWA is saddened to hear of the passing of William Mapes, a Mingo County miner who worked as a contractor for Central Appalachian Mining. Mapes was 73 years old and had 53 years of mining experience.

The family and friends of William Mapes are in the hearts and prayers of the UMWA. This is the first mining fatality of 2023.”

West Virginia HB 3270 is Bad for WV Workers


FEBRUARY 21, 2023


West Virginia HB 3270 is Bad for WV Workers


[TRIANGLE, VA] United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“Let’s say that your boss, even though he knows that sending you to work in a section of your workplace is dangerous, sends you in there anyway. Then something happens and you are severely injured. Under current West Virginia law, if that happened to you or a loved one you or your heirs could sue that boss for needlessly and knowingly putting you in harm’s way.

“But if House Bill 3270 passes, he would get away with it. Walk away scot-free. The bill essentially lets supervisory and company executives off the hook if their decisions cause injury or death on the job. The supervisors and managers responsible for providing safe working conditions will face zero consequences even if they knowingly and intentionally expose their workers to unsafe conditions.

“Not only that, HB 3270 will also lower damage claims to a mere $250,000 against the company, which does not even begin to cover a family’s needs in the case of injury or death. This cap barely scrapes the surface of what a widow would need to provide for her children if the family’s sole provider is unable to work.

“We intend to fight this with everything we have. It is difficult to comprehend that West Virginia legislators are pushing a bill that would deliberately put workers’ lives at risk.”

Warrior Met Coal Responds to UMWA


February 20, 2023

Warrior Met Coal Responds to UMWA

United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“We received a response from Warrior Met Coal to our unconditional offer to return to work late on February 17. We have replied to the company, asking several questions that we need to know the answers to before we can discuss the next steps with our members and be responsive to the company’s letter.”

UMWA issues return to work letter to Warrior Met Coal

FEBRUARY 16, 2023

UMWA issues return to work letter to Warrior Met Coal


[BROOKWOOD, ALA.] International President Cecil E. Roberts of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) today sent a letter to Warrior Met Coal CEO Walt Scheller announcing that the UMWA membership who have been on an unfair labor practice strike at Warrior Met Coal would return to work at the company’s four locations on March 2, 2023.


“We are entering a new phase of our efforts to win our members and their families the fair and decent contract they need and deserve,” President Roberts said today. “We have been locked into this struggle for 23 months now, and nothing has materially changed. The two sides have essentially fought each other to a draw thus far, despite the company’s unlawful bargaining posture the entire time.


“The status quo is not good for our members and their families,” Roberts said. “The company continues to pay the temporary replacement workers in its mines significant wages and bonuses up to $2,000 more per month than it has offered to pay our members at the bargaining table. If it is going to pay that kind of money, we believe it should be going to Alabama miners and their families, not those coming from out-of-state.


“The status quo is not good for the company or its shareholders either, as the current workforce it has in the mines cannot match the level of production that our members can,” Roberts said. “The company’s own reports, including the one issued just yesterday, proves that. They have lost nearly a billion dollars in unrealized revenue over the last 23 months.”


The letter, known under the legal term as an “unconditional offer to return to work,” follows federal labor law and would implement the return to work of hundreds of UMWA members while giving the union and the company time to work out a new agreement.


“We have long said that we are ready to get in the same room with Warrior Met leadership and stay there until we have an agreement,” Roberts said. “So far the company has not been willing to do that. I sincerely hope that Warrior Met leadership will accept this offer, get our members back to work, engage in good faith bargaining and finally sit down face-to-face with us to resolve this dispute for the betterment of all concerned.”



UMWA Outraged at Coal Company’s Willful Violation Of Health And Safety Standards


February 3, 2023


UMWA Outraged at Coal Company’s Willful Violation Of Health And Safety Standards

[TRIANGLE, VA] Commenting on Black Diamond Coal’s guilty plea to willfully violating a mandatory federal health and safety standard, United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“I have said this before and it is outrageous that I am having to say it again: This is yet another example of a company putting profits first and the safety of its workers last. The simple fact is that Black Diamond willingly put its miners at risk by falsifying dust samples.

“More than one hundred thousand coal miners in the last century have died a slow, painful death from Black Lung disease due to their exposure to respirable dust in their workplace and the number of young coal miners contracting this always-fatal disease is rising today. That’s because outlaw operators like Black Diamond continue to run coal mines without regard for the health and well-being of their workers.

“Union health and safety inspectors work to ensure that our members are as safe and healthy as possible on the job. But at non-union companies like Black Diamond, workers have no such protection.

“While I am glad to see that the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration caught this injustice, I also know that the punishment for this crime is far too little. This Black Diamond official created a condition in the workplace that can and likely will lead to the premature death of miners. A fine of $200,000 does not come close to atoning for that.”

UMWA Comments on Guilty Plea from Mine Company’s Ex-Safety Director


JANUARY 6, 2023

UMWA Comments on Guilty Plea from Mine Company’s Ex-Safety Director


[TRIANGLE, VA] Commenting on the guilty plea from Signal Peak Energy’s former mine safety director, United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“It is the responsibility of a Mine Safety Director to do his or her best to ensure the safety of the workers at their mine. The fact that this man was able to conceal severe injuries that occurred on the job, and browbeat the victim into accepting a payment to cover it up, is a perfect example of why union safety committees are so important to the health and safety of miners.

“While I am glad that the government has been able to get a guilty plea in this case, It is not yet clear just what the penalty will be.

“Further, if anyone thinks this is an isolated incident, I have a bridge to sell them. Companies routinely and deliberately fail to report job-related injuries, and not just in the mining industry. Companies will always look toward their bottom line first and workers second unless there are safeguards in place to prevent them from doing so. A union provides just such safeguards.”

Click here to view KTVQ’s news story on this event.


UMWA Urges Action to Pass Black Lung Benefits Improvement Act


November 22, 2022

UMWA Urges Action to Pass Black Lung Benefits Improvement Act


[TRIANGLE, VA.] United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issues the following statement today.

I want to thank the House Education and Labor Committee, specifically Chairman Scott, for advancing the Black Lung Benefits Improvement Act in March of 2022. Since then, however, little movement has been made to ensure that miners burdened with black lung or miners’ pneumoconiosis have access to relevant workers’ compensation and other benefits, including aid in finding legal representation and obtaining necessary medical evidence.

One hundred thousand coal miners in the last century have died a painful death from Black Lung disease due to their exposure to respirable dust in their workplace. And furthermore, we are now seeing a significant rise in black lung cases, especially among younger miners, largely caused by increased silica dust in the mine atmosphere.

The current financial stipend received through Black Lung Disability benefits only covers a fraction of a family’s monthly necessities and today, under inflation, it covers even less. This Act develops a new system for determining benefit levels that will make annual adjustments based on cost-of-living.

We urge swift action by Congress to pass H.R. 6102 and S. 4511, the Black Lung Benefits Improvement Act, so that miners, who have dedicated their lives working in the mines, receive the black lung benefits they deserve.

Biden comments about shutting down all coal-fired power “disheartening,” UMWA says


NOVEMBER 5, 2022

Biden comments about shutting down all coal-fired power “disheartening,” UMWA says


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] Reacting to comments President Biden made last night that, “we’re going to be shutting (coal) plants down all across America,” United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“The UMWA could not disagree more with President Biden’s comments to a California audience about shutting down coal-fired power, which would have the effect of throwing thousands more coal miners out of work. This harkens back to the days of previous administrations when comments like these were all too common and were made without any reference to what the effect on workers, their families, and their communities would be.

“We understand that an energy transition is underway, and we have been working to provide new opportunities for dislocated miners now and into the future. We will continue to do that.  But we have also made it clear for years that we will fight tooth and nail to preserve every UMWA coal miner’s job that exists today. Everyone can be sure we will continue to do that as well.

“We have long fought for the development of technology to enable utilities to use coal in a carbon-neutral way to generate electricity, not just because it will preserve coal-related jobs here in America but also because it is the only way to truly reduce global emissions. These comments are disheartening because they make it seem that the Biden Administration has apparently abandoned that effort.

“It’s easy to talk about ending an industry that supports hundreds of thousands of jobs in Appalachia and the Midwest, but the reality of such an action is harsh. Now is not the time to be talking about eliminating high-paying jobs anywhere in America, especially those that also provide a tax base for communities, fund healthcare facilities, and small businesses serving millions of people.

“I invite the President to come to West Virginia, western Pennsylvania, southwest Virginia or eastern Kentucky to see for himself the damage that has already been done to coal-reliant families and communities. Perhaps then we can all have a clear understanding of the importance of the jobs that are left.”


UMWA’s Response to Turkey coal mine explosion, killing 41

OCTOBER 15, 2022

UMWA’s Response to Turkey coal mine explosion, killing 41


[TRIANGLE, VA] In the aftermath of the terrible explosion that killed 41 miners in Northern Turkey, United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“The prayers of the entire UMWA membership are with the families of the 41 miners who lost their lives this week in Turkey. It appears that Turkey’s mine safety laws were ignored by company officials, which inevitably leads to lives lost and the destruction of families.

“This preventable disaster not only demonstrates the need for strong mine safety laws worldwide but is also proof that when a company is not held accountable, it will always put profit over the lives of workers. Rest In Peace, Brothers.”


UMWA statement on nominations to Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission


OCTOBER 3, 2022

UMWA statement on nominations to Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission


[TRIANGLE, VA.] Commenting on the confirmations of Mary Lu Jordan and T.J. Baker to the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“I congratulate Mary Lu Jordan and T.J. Baker on their confirmations to serve on this critically important commission, and I thank Senate leadership for moving their nominations forward. However, the work to protect miners’ health and safety is not finished.

“There still is not a full complement of Commissioners serving on this board, and deadlocks between Democratic and Republican appointees on cases critical to miners’ safety are likely to become all too common. I urge the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee to act as soon as possible to move the nomination of Moshe Marvit to the full Senate and for his confirmation by that body, before the end of the year. We must make this a fully-functional Commission, and soon.”
