The legacy of the United Mine Workers of America

This Labor Day, we explore the history of a labor organization that spurred the growth of many others in the U.S.—and made a lasting impact on economic justice for all.

DATE: 8/24/2023
AUTHOR: Rick Wilson, Director of AFSC’s West Virginia Economic Justice Project


Photo: AFSC Archives


In happier times, my home state of West Virginia was known as a union stronghold. This tradition of labor action and struggle goes back to at least 1877, when railroad workers in Martinsburg set off something close to a nationwide general strike. 

It continued as coal miners faced company and government repression, including brutal private mine guards, military intervention, airstrikes, legal injunctions, arrests, and imprisonments.  

On my watch with AFSC, I’ve tried to support the struggles of unions on picket lines and at the policy level, ranging from metal workers to building trades to retail workers to teachers and school service workers. Sometimes things got a little wild.  

I’ve made it an informal but unbreakable rule that whenever a good labor dustup happens within my range to drop everything and show up. I’m probably at least as loyal to unions as to the church I belong to … but if I had to choose between them, all bets are off. 

For people unfamiliar with the labor movement, there are three main kinds of unions: craft unions representing primarily skilled trades; industrial unions representing workers at all skill levels in a sector; and public employee unions such as those representing education workers or government employees. The AFL-CIO, the largest U.S. federation of unions, comprises around 60 unions of different types and industries. 

Where I come from, you’ll hear people talk about this or that union, but when they say the union, there’s one they have in mind: the United Mine Workers of America. Coincidentally or not, AFSC has a long history of supporting this union and the workers and communities it represents. Over a century ago, AFSC began providing food assistance and supporting economic alternatives for unemployed miners and their families. More recently, it has supported UMWA members in strikes, legislative struggles, mine safety, and corporate bankruptcies that threaten retirees and surviving family members. 

People outside Appalachia may think of the UMWA, if at all, as a relic of an earlier age and a dying and dirty industry. In fact, even though its membership has dramatically declined over the last decades, it has arguably had the greatest impact on economic justice of any single organization. To the extent there’s still a middle class in this country, much of that is due to its direct and indirect influence.  

The UMWA was founded in 1890 by the merger of the Knights of Labor Trade Assembly No. 135 and the National Progressive Miners Union. At a time when most unions represented skilled craft workers—mostly white, U.S. born, and male—the new union’s first goal was “to unite in one organization, regardless of creed, color or nationality, all workmen eligible for membership, employed in and around coal mines, coal washers, and coke ovens on the American Continent.” It was thus an early example of an industrial union, one that tried to represent all workers in a sector. 


AFSC Archives


The union’s progress in West Virginia was slow and sometimes bloody. It was long known that the state was rich in coal and other minerals, but it required the coming of the railroads to make large-scale extraction economically feasible. Outside investors began gobbling up land and mineral rights and displacing mountain families, generally with the support of state politicians.  

Let’s just say the good guys lost that one.  

After wiping out most of the state’s old-growth forests, corporations began building coal camps in isolated mountain communities and instituting a system of total control, including company towns, company stores, company doctors, armed company mine “guards” to enforce obedience up to and including the use of violence, and company-controlled schools and churches. In many cases, workers were paid with company scrip or currency. Those with the temerity to organize or strike faced eviction from company housing, at the very least. 

Companies actively recruited African Americans from the deep South, mostly white locals, and recent European immigrants to the camps. They hoped a “judicious mix” of different ethnicities would prevent union organization. 

They were wrong. 

From Colorado to West Virginia miners struggled, sometimes physically, for the right to organize, with something like guerilla warfare breaking out in my state during the Paint and Cabin Creek areas in 1912-1913. The struggle inspired writer Ralph Chaplin to pen the song “Solidarity Forever,” an international anthem of the working class. More militant struggles followed, including the 1921 Battle of Blair Mountain, the largest workers’ uprising in American history. So far. 

It wasn’t until the New Deal era that the right of miners to organize was firmly established. For a generation or two… 

And in the 1930s, the UMWA, under the leadership of the theatrical and sometimes confrontational John L. Lewis, launched the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), which initiated vast organizing drives in steel, auto, rubber, and other industries. Unafraid to confront the highest levels of authority, he once said “you can’t mine coal with bayonets.” 

During the CIO organizing drive, he proclaimed with characteristic flourish, “Let the workers organize. Let the toilers assemble. Let their crystallized voice proclaim their injustices and demand their privileges. Let all thoughtful citizens sustain them, for the future of Labor is the future of America.” 

These organizing drives eventually won union recognition along with higher wages, better benefits, and improved working conditions for millions of American men and women. These new industrial unions, such as the United Auto Workers (UAW), would become strong financial and political supporters of the Civil Rights Movement. 

This was not lost on the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an ardent supporter of the labor movement. In his words, “During the ’30s, wages were a secondary issue; to have a job at all was the difference between the agony of starvation and a flicker of life. The nation, now so vigorous, reeled and tottered almost to total collapse. The labor movement was the principal force that transformed misery and despair into hope and progress.  

“Out of its bold struggles, economic and social reform gave birth to unemployment insurance, old-age pensions, government relief for the destitute and, above all, new wage levels that meant not mere survival, but a tolerable life. The captains of industry did not lead this transformation; they resisted it until they were overcome. When in the ’30s the wave of union organization crested over our nation, it carried to secure shores not only itself but the whole society.” 

The wave that Dr. King spoke of has unfortunately receded over the last 40 years, with devastating consequences. But it remains an example of what can be done when working people act in solidarity. 

So year-round, but especially on May Day and Labor Day, I celebrate the victories and mourn the defeats of the world’s diverse labor unions. However, one union has pride of place. In more ways than one, it lit the way in many dark places. 

Associate Membership Spotlight

Carol Smith


Carol Smith has been an associate member since 2018 but has supported the UMWA for far much longer.

Her husband, Carl “Sonny” Smith, is a retired coal miner from Local Union 2161 in District 12. Carol has lobbied on Capitol Hill fighting for health care and pensions, made phone calls to politicians, attended as many rallies as possible, and said many prayers for her UMWA brothers and sisters.

“Carol has been to Washington, DC, helping fight to keep our members and their families’ health care and pensions,” said International District 12 Vice President Steve Earle.

“She is an extremely dedicated associate member and we are beyond grateful to have her.”


Lorin E. Kerr Scholarship Winners!

The UMWA has announced the winners of the 2023-2024 Lorin E. Kerr Scholarship. Each of the winners will receive $2,500 this academic year to assist them in meeting their educational goals.


Tyler Leonard

Tyler Leonard is the grandson of Local Union 1810 member Lawrence Leonard, Sr., in District 31.

“My parents struggled with fair wages in a labor market that does not benefit those who work hard with no education,” said Tyler. “I want to make a difference in the labor movement by helping workers and their families.’

Tyler is from Bellaire, Ohio, and graduated from St. John Central High School. He is extremely passionate about politics and is currently attending Columbus State Community College majoring in political science.

After this semester, he will attend West Liberty University to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science.

Upon graduation, Tyler plans to enter law school at Ohio State University. “My goal is to practice law and become a judge within the Supreme Court of the United States,” said Tyler. “I plan on utilizing this scholarship to acquire my degree in political science and then move into law school.

I have been inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa national honor society and plan on coming home with my degree to give back to the community that raised me.”



Christa Bedford

Christa Bedford is the granddaughter of Local Union 2245 member Terry Lathem in District 20.

“Safety should be the number one priority in the workplace,” said Christa. “A company that cares for its workers is a company that will achieve great success.”

Christa is from Lake View, Alabama, and graduated from Brookwood High School. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Alabama, with the goal of becoming a pediatric oncology nurse.

“I plan to nurture all future patients and genuinely care for them as needed,” said Christa. “I am passionate about my education and am constantly trying to better myself and the people around me.”

“I plan to further my education at the University of Alabama Capstone College of Nursing,” said Christa.

“I am committed to decreasing my student debt as much as possible so that I can focus on helping others.”

Christa is a member of the Student Government Association as an Ambassador, on Green Team, National Technical Honors Society, and Beta Club.




Coal miners plead with feds for stronger enforcement during emotional hearing on black lung rule

Source: APNews

August 10, 2023


BEAVER, W.Va. (AP) — Laboring to breathe, West Virginia coal miner Terry Lilly told federal regulators Thursday he is appreciative the U.S. government is finally considering a proposal to limit the poisonous rock dust causing a severe resurgence of black lung.

But Lilly said the rule — a half-century in the making — will mean nothing if there aren’t strict enforcement mechanisms in place to ensure companies comply.

“Cheating the samples is what we need to stop. If we can stop this, we can save some lives,” said Lilly, asking officials to excuse him as a took a pause to catch his breath. He’s now limited to 40% lung capacity, he said.

Lilly was one of the dozens of miners and advocates who came to the historic coal-mining county in West Virginia’s southern coalfields to discuss a proposed rule from the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration that would cut the current limit for silica dust exposure in half.

During an emotional, hours-long hearing — the second of three before public comment on the proposal ends next month — miners spoke about their fear of retaliation for speaking up about unsafe dust levels and being asked by companies to help falsify samples. They said the government needs more inspectors to spend more time in the mines making sure existing rules are followed. Otherwise, new regulation won’t make a meaningful difference, they said.

“When I speak about this, people look at me like I’m stupid,” Lilly, who said miners don’t always feel like the federal government takes their concerns seriously. “I’ve got 30 years of experience. I know the tricks and how they operate.”

President of the National Black Lung Association Gary Hairston, who lives in neighboring Fayette County, said that too often, miners have to choose between their safety and their livelihood.

“We can fix this when we start making the coal mining companies responsible for what they’re doing,” said Hairston, becoming emotional speaking into the microphone wearing a “black lung kills” T-shirt. “I wish the coal miner – us – that we would come forward – but we’re scared. In a non-union mine, you ain’t got representation. We know they’ll get rid of us.”

Silicosis, commonly referred to as black lung, is an occupational pneumoconiosis caused by the inhalation of crystalline silica dust present in minerals like sandstone. The problem has only grown in recent years as miners dig through more layers of rock to get to less accessible coal, generating deadly silica dust in the process. Silica dust is 20 times more toxic than coal dust and causes severe forms of black lung disease even after a few years of exposure.

An estimated one in five tenured miners in Central Appalachia has black lung disease; one in 20 has the most disabling form of black lung.

The proposed federal rule, published in the Federal Register last month, cuts the permissible exposure limit for silica dust from 100 to 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air for an 8-hour shift in coal, metal, and nonmetal mines such as sand and gravel.

The proposal is in line with exposure levels imposed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration on construction and other non-mining industries. And it’s the standard The Centers for Disease Control was recommending as far back as 1974.

Old wounds over mine safety run deep in West Virginia’s southern coalfields, where thousands of miners 100 years ago marched to unionize in the Battle of Blair Mountain, the largest armed uprising in the United States since the Civil War.

In the 1940s and 1950s, roughly half of West Virginia workers were employed in heavy industries like coal, steel and glass, and the majority of those workers belonged to a union. By 2022, however, only 10% of West Virginia workers were represented by unions, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

Hairston said that with the waning of union representation, miners have lost advocates they could rely on ensure regulations are being enforced.

Attorney Sam Petsonk, who has represented coal miners who were diagnosed with black lung after companies violated safety violations, said a silica rule is long overdue. But he is concerned that the rule requires no routine sampling and contains no specific monetary penalties for exceeding silica dust limits.

The rule also allows miners to work in higher-than-allowable levels of dust on a temporary basis if they wear respirators and companies are working on bringing exposure down to safer levels. Petsonk said respirators are ineffective while performing heavy labor in hot, confined spaces, and that inspectors are not present enough to ensure they don’t become a permanent solution.

The National Mining Association has said it would like to see respiratory protection equipment be used as a method of compliance with the rule.

The organization, which represents operators, said in a statement last month that ventilation controls, strict adherence to mine ventilation control plans, increased operator and miner safety awareness, and a 2014 rule regulating coal dust have “all contributed to exponentially lower dust levels inside the mine.”

Mine, Safety and Health Administration Deputy Secretary Patricia Silvey said if inspectors see evidence of overexposure, operators will have to take immediate “corrective action,” which could mean implementing engineering controls. The government makes a record of the infraction and ensures retesting to make sure the action is working, she said.

Willie Dodson, Central Appalachian field coordinator for advocacy group Appalachian Voices, said the nation has a current epidemic of black lung now that is “built in part on the current enforcement mechanisms and deficiencies.”

“If MSHA gets this wrong, we will look back on this process as its own sort of tragedy — a moment when we came close to doing right by coal miners, but ultimately failed them,” he said.

United Mine Workers of America Director of Occupational Health and Safety Josh Roberts asked regulators to look at the proposed rule and ask this: “Does this section open the door for cheating or gaming the system?”

“Everybody wants the rule to be the best that it can be this go-round because you might not get another bite at the apple for a long time,” he said.

Written by: Leah Willingham

Local UMWA Chapter Steps Up with Support for United Way of Eastern Utah


August 2, 2023


Members of the UMWA Local 6363 Board present a $500 check to United Way of Eastern Utah. Shown, from left to right, are George Motte, Terry Anderson, Vince Christiansen, UWEU Executive Director Pam Boyd, Brad Cook, Joe Montoya and Richard Maryboy.
Members of the UMWA Local 6363 Board present a $500 check to United Way of Eastern Utah. Shown, from left to right, are George Motte, Terry Anderson, Vince Christiansen, UWEU Executive Director Pam Boyd, Brad Cook, Joe Montoya, and Richard Maryboy.


In keeping with their goal to support organizations that assist the local population, the United Mine Workers of America District 22 Local 6363 recently presented a $500 check to the United Way of Eastern Utah.

Established in 1931, UMWA Local 6363 is one of the oldest locals in the district. During its more than 90 years of service, the organization has a long philanthropic history.

“We just try to pick up to help where needed and we try to keep our donations local,” said Vince Christiansen, president of the local board.

According to UWEU Executive Director Pam Boyd, the donation will fund local programs such as Soles2Souls and Live.Love.Local. Soles2Souls provides free shoes to school-age children, working from the premise that it is difficult for a student to concentrate on school work if he or she is distracted by ill-fitting or worn-out shoes. Live.Love.Local provides fuel cards to local residents who have been diagnosed with cancer and must travel out of the community for treatment. Applications and additional program information can be found online at

“We are so grateful to community groups such as the UMWA for their support as we work on our focus areas of health, education, and financial stability,” said Boyd. “This is a real-life example of our mission to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities.”

Writer: Scottie Draper


2023 West Virginia Coal Festival Underway

Source: Coal Valley News

MADISON — The 29th annual West Virginia Coal Festival kicked off Tuesday. Madison Mayor and first-year West Virginia Coal Festival Inc. President Buddy Hudson said he anticipates a successful community event.

“This will be my first year as the president, so I’m hoping I can do it justice as everybody has done in the past,” said Hudson.

Hudson spoke on what’s new at this year’s festival.

“We’ve got three or four new things,” Hudson said. “We’re going to have a dog show that Boone Memorial Health is sponsoring for Saturday morning. Karlie Price is taking care of that for me, trying to bring out a different group of people that would come to see that and maybe they’ll stay to shop at the vendors and carnival for the rest of the day. That same day we’re having Chris Prater, who is the CEO of Blackhawk, as a group of his friends are bringing all of their ATVs and supersized Jeeps to have a Jeep show across the street in the People’s Bank parking lot Saturday morning. That will bring a different class of people.

The UMWA donated us quite a bit of money this year,” Hudson continued. “They haven’t done it for a while, so we’re using that money to fund free face painting, balloon art, a couple of characters that you can get your picture with for the kids, and purchase some free tickets to the carnival to give out. It will be over Friday and Saturday, so it won’t be a children’s night, but it will just be a children’s activity. They gave us the money and told us to use it on what we wanted to, and we thought it would benefit the children to help offset the cost of the carnival and give them some free stuff to come to.”

Hudson said the festival provides both tangible and intangible benefits to Boone County.

“As mayor, I think it brings economic development to our town. It’s like a family reunion, when people come to town that haven’t been here for at least a year, they come back to the Coal Festival and they get to be involved in the community and see friends that they haven’t seen in a while,” said Hudson. “I always ask my fifth-grade students, what do you want to do this summer for vacation? A lot of them say I’m going to Myrtle Beach or I’m going camping, but every year I always have several students say they’re going to the West Virginia Coal Festival for vacation. From this Route 17 area where I teach at, it’s sometimes the only place these children get to go. That makes me want to continue working with the Coal Festival and try my best to make it a place where at least the kids on Route 17 and Route 85 get to come and have fun.”

Hudson says he’s confident about the event’s turnout as the weather forecast is positive for the entire week.

“It looks like we’re going to have some decent weather, hopefully, it won’t be as hot as it has in the past week or so. I think it will be just as big if not bigger as in the past,” he said.

Hudson said this year’s entertainment lineup includes All My Rowdy Friends — Hank Jr. Tribute on Friday night and Draw the Line — Aerosmith Tribute on Saturday night.

“I think our entertainment lineup is a little better than we’ve had in the past because it seems like the thing all festivals are going with now is tribute acts. You may not get the person, but you get the music and sound that people like without having to pay the price for those artists who have almost priced themselves out,” said Hudson.

Hudson say last week that he was already hearing excitement within the community regarding the upcoming musical performances.

“A lot of people have already Googled the Hank Williams tribute to see if he really sounds like Hank Williams. I’ve got positive stuff back saying that they like him,” said Hudson.

For more information regarding the 2023 West Virginia Coal Festival, Hudson can be reached at 304-687-2175.



‘If that wouldn’t heal your soul, nothing would:’ Cape Breton’s Davis Day recognizes coal mining legacy

Evelyn McLeod, granddaughter of Bill Davis, a New Waterford miner shot down by police firing at protesters in 1925, lays a wreath with her grand nephews Parker, 5, second left, and Lucas, 7, right, at the Davis Day ceremony in Sydney Mines Sunday. At left is Hughie MacArthur, a retired United Mine Workers of America representative and mine safety co-ordinator. BARB SWEET/CAPE BRETON POST

DATE: 6/11/2023

SYDNEY MINES, N.S. — As the Men of the Deeps sang “there’s a pick and shovel waiting down the Coal Town Road,” Lorraine Head teared up as she had a number of times Sunday morning.

Nearly 100 years — 98 to be exact — after the gruesome events that inspired Davis Day, the descendent of the man it honours broke down on the grounds of the Miner’s Park in Sydney Mines.

“My mother, her siblings — always, always,” she said of the motivation to return each year to the ceremony she has been attending since she was a little girl.

Davis Day is named for her grandfather, New Waterford resident William Davis, 38, who was one of the coal miners protesting deplorable conditions at a Cape Breton coal mine near Waterford Lake in 1925.

The British Empire Steel Corporation, which owned the mine, cut off the miners’ credit at the company store and also cut off their access to water and electricity, creating a desperate situation.

On June 11, the protest turned violent. As many as 2,000 coal miners marched toward Waterford Lake and British Empire Steel Corporation police shot at them.

Davis was killed, leaving behind a widow and nine children, as well as a 10th on the way.

Evelyn McLeod, granddaughter of Bill Davis, a miner shot down by police firing at protesters in 1925, lays a wreath with  her grand nephews Parker, 5, left, and Lucas, 7, at the Davis Day ceremony in Sydney Mines Sunday. BARB SWEET/CAPE BRETON POST

Great-great grandson Adam Woods of Scotchtown, his wife Chantal and their two boys Lucas, 7 and Parker, 5, were there Sunday too.

The young boys laid a wreath with their great aunt, Evelyn McLeod.

“It’s really nice for our boys to be part of a legacy like that,” said Chantal Woods of the wreath laying.

The Men of the Deeps perform at the Davis Day church service at Trinity Anglican Church in Sydney Mines Sunday. BARB SWEET/CAPE BRETON POST

After the ceremony, members of the Davis family, like others who laid wreaths for loved ones at the miners memorial along with organizations, unions and politicians, brought the wreath to Bill Davis’ grave.
Norma MacDonald noted when the date, June 11, lands on a school day, the tradition in the family has been to keep the kids home out of respect.

They also realize the importance of passing on the legacy of attending on behalf of the family.

“It’s nice the younger ones are coming in,” McLeod said.

The horrific events have been settling in generation after generation.

“(It was) probably teenage years before I even realized how important it was going to the ceremony,” Adam Woods said, adding his kids now tell their classmates about the history of it.

“The history behind it, to learn a lot more about it and listen to the stories of the family and how it affected everything.”

The annual event not only recognizes that godawful 1925 event, but all miners and the tragedies that devastated families across Nova Scotia.


It was an emotional day for Lorraine Head Sunday at the Davis Day church service and ceremony in Sydney MInes. The event honours her grandfather, Bill Davis, who was shot and killed in a protest in 1925. It also honours miners and all touched by coal mining tragedy. BARB SWEET/CAPE BRETON POST


Among the losses

Dan Jimmy White of Glace Bay attends the ceremony every year to honour the 12 men who died because of injuries from the Feb. 24, 1979 explosion at No. 26 colliery in Glace Bay.

They were workmates and friends and on the day of the explosion, White said he was tasked with blacking out the windows with tar paper in his carpentry shop at the mine as it was being used for the bodies.

“It was a terrible, terrible day in my life,” said White, who had been underground before he was given a surface job as a carpenter.

Jimmy Dan White of Glace Bay sits in the Trinity Anglican Church in Sydney Mines Sunday for Davis Day events. He was tasked with covering the windows of his mine carpentry shop with black tar paper as he said it was used to bring bodies during the 1979 Glace Bay Mine disaster. BARB SWEET/CAPE BRETON POST


His eyes watered as he spoke of his friends and said attending each year allows him to work through the grief that lingers still and then he sets it aside until the next anniversary.

Later after the church portion of the ceremony, he said, “If that wouldn’t heal your soul, nothing would.”

Loie McNeil of Glace Bay heard about the Glace Bay explosion on the radio at 6 a.m. that day with her two small daughters, Michelle, then four and Sherry, then nine.

Her father-in-law, Freddie Y McNeil came by to say it didn’t look good.

The day would indeed bring news that her husband, Reggie Y, was gone.

“Everything went black,” Loie McNeil said.


Sunday as the Davis Day ceremony in Sydney Mines, mining disaster widow Loie McNeil, left, of Glace Bay and her daughter, Michelle laid a wreath for miner Reggie Y. McNeil, who was killed in the 1979 Glace Bay mine explosion. BARB SWEET/CAPE BRETON POST


Michelle has only hazy memories of her dad, such as him righting a three-wheel bicycle for her after it tipped over.

But every year they come to the service to honour him, and then bring the wreath to the cemetery.

“He was a good man, a good husband, a good worker,” Loie McNeil said, adding the family keeps his memory alive by talking about him and recognizing dates like his birthday.


John and Joanne Turner attend the Davis Day church service at Trinity Anglican Church in Sydney Mines Sunday. BARB SWEET/CAPE BRETON POST


John Turner’s father, James, had to go to work at age 15 as his father Albert was killed while checking a mine after a rock fall in 1924. James eventually worked himself up to comptroller at Dominion Coal, Turner said.

“It was a very humble start,” said Turner of New Campbellton.

Having the church service preceding the Davis Day ceremony in Trinity Anglican was meaningful in another way.

“This church was constructed in 1924 and this ceiling was put in by the miners every night after the mines,” Joanne said of the men’s many years’ long labour, when they would take the scaffolding down for services and erect it again each week.

The miners’ sacrifices were underscored over and over Sunday.

“Life in this world is always dicey,” said Rev. Jackie Warren. “The life of a miner is the same.”



Adam Woods of Scotchtown is the great-great grandson of New Waterford miner Bill Davis, who was shot and killed by police during a protest in 1925. He and his wife Chantal and their sons Lucas, 7, second left, and Parker, 5, attended the Davis Day memorial church service and ceremony Sunday in Sydney Mines. BARB SWEET/CAPE BRETON POST


Vigilance necessary

Nova Scotia Federation of Labour president Danny Kavanagh said the day is not just about mining, either, but protecting workplace safety.

And he said workers are vulnerable now unless workers, labour leaders and the public remain vigilant in watchdogging companies.

Before he took to the stage to be the guest speaker, Brian Sanson, international secretary treasurer of the United Mine Workers of America and based in Washington, D.C. said events such as Sunday’s are not as common, especially in the U.S.

“It’s very moving,” said the West Virginian.

“The sense of community … to pay this respect to their fallen forefathers is special.”



Brian Sanson, international secretary treasurer of the United Mine Workers of America and based in Washington, D.C., was the guest speaker at the annual Davis Day memorial event Sunday in Sydney Mines. BARB SWEET/CAPE BRETON POST


During his speech he spoke of the coal mining labour strife in Alabama where a strike lasted two years, ending earlier this year with no gain.

He alleged police and county sheriffs were turned into coal company guards.

“We had union coal miners run over by cars on the picket lines. Miners were fired for doing nothing more than standing on the picket line and the company basically locked them out for two complete years because they wouldn’t bargain with the union in good faith. The Alabama court system failed the workers in Alabama miserably,” he said.

According to the Nova Scotia Museum of Industry, Davis was given the largest funeral the Town of New Waterford had ever seen. His death became a symbol of the determination and resilience of the miners in their struggles. Miners vowed they would never work on June 11 and for many years, they honoured that vow, the museum’s website notes.

A union convention that year was declared June 11 Davis Day.

In 2008 the province of Nova Scotia proclaimed An Act Respecting a Memorial Day to Honour Miners (Bill No. 189: William Davis Miners’ Memorial Day Act).

Roughly 100 people attended the church service and about 120 at the ceremony at Miner’s Park.

Associate Membership Spotlight

Penny Whoolery


Penny Whoolery is the wife of late Local Union 1980 member and International Organizer Marlon Whoolery. Penny has been a key member in orchestrating the annual Robena Memorial and is always found behind the scenes helping at the District 2 Pensioner Picnics any way she can.

“I always say, and I will say it again, I know that I will never have to worry because the United Mine Workers of America will always be there for me,” said Penny.

“For as long as I can remember, each year at the Robena Memorial, Penny has come in every kind of weather and participates by sharing her angelic voice to all,” said International District 2 Vice President Chuck Knisell. “It doesn’t matter if it’s pouring rain, Penny was there at the microphone.”

At the 60-Year Anniversary of the Robena Mine Explosion memorial service in December 2022, it had been only three months since Brother Marlon had passed. “Penny sang with everything she had in her,” said Knisell. “Sister Penny will always have a home at the UMWA. We will always be there for her, just as she and Marlon were always there for us.”


Union Plus: Memorial Day Car Events

Memorial Day Car Events


This Memorial Day, easily shop new and used cars online with the Union Plus Auto Buying
Service. Plus, take advantage of your exclusive Union Member benefits:

  • Ready to sell your car? Get a cash offer from a local dealer in minutes.
  • $100 rebate on new union-made cars*
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  • Enjoy up to $2,000 in Auto Repair and Auto Deductible Reimbursements**

Search Vehicles


*If you purchase a new, qualifying union-assembled vehicle, you will receive a check for $100 within 6 to 8 weeks after purchase. (The rebate checks come from Union Plus and not from the dealer). Union Plus receives a monthly report on the sales activity from the program provider to verify that a rebate check should be sent to a member who purchased a qualifying vehicle. This process is automatic, there are no forms to complete. Keep a copy of your Union Plus Auto Buying referral email that can assist in researching your purchase if you think you qualified for a rebate but did not receive a check.
**Some benefits not available in NY or NH. Terms and conditions apply. Auto Deductible Reimbursement is provided by Voyager Indemnity Insurance Company, an Assurant company.

Stand Down to Save Lives


MSHA Assistant Secretary Williamson’s 2024 letter to the mining community


Dear Members of the Mining Community: 


Last year, as the mining industry experienced a troubling increase in fatal accidents, I asked the mining community to join the Mine Safety and Health Administration in identifying and eliminating safety and health hazards that can cost miners their lives. As part of this effort, MSHA announced our first annual “Stand Down to Save Lives” and invited the mining community to join us in prioritizing miners’ safety and health. This year “Stand Down to Save Lives” will occur on May 22, 2024. We invite everyone to participate. 

In the past year, I have traveled across the country, talking to miners and their representatives, operators, and safety professionals, and everyone I spoke with was troubled by last year’s fatality numbers. In those conversations there was broad agreement that the industry can and must do better. I write now to share that because of the collective efforts of the entire mining community, 12 fewer miners have died in workplace accidents this year compared to May last year. Although this progress is encouraging, even one miner fatality is still one too many. 

I am asking the mining community to continue to work with MSHA and remain vigilant in focusing on identifying and eliminating hazards that can cause injuries and illnesses. For mine operators, it is critical to ensure that thorough and proper examinations are conducted to identify and eliminate hazards, and that all miners receive required and adequate training, including task training. MSHA also encourages miners to speak up and save lives by exercising their rights, playing an active role in safety and health, and using their voice to ensure safety and health is prioritized for themselves and their coworkers. 

At MSHA, we will continue to use all our tools, including education and compliance assistance, sharing safety and health alerts and other information through our Miner Safety and Health mobile app, grants, and appropriate enforcement when necessary to hold operators, contractors, and individuals accountable. Recently, MSHA also finalized two rules that will save miners’ lives: Safety Program: Surface Mobile Equipment and Lowering Miners’ Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica and Improving Respiratory Protection. We will continue to actively engage with the mining community to ensure both rules are successfully implemented. 

We encourage everyone in the mining community to join MSHA and Stand Down on May 22 to prioritize the safety and health of our nation’s miners. MSHA will share an online tool kit and resources and would appreciate you amplifying our message.

As we have learned throughout the years, we succeed when we work together, and miners are safer and healthier as a result. Together we have made a difference this year and thank you for your efforts. But there is still more work we must do to protect the miners that we care for and appreciate so much.

Christopher J. Williamson
Assistant Secretary of Labor for
Mine Safety and Health


Purpose of the Event 

The primary goal of Stand Down to Save Lives is to ensure everyone in the mining community takes steps to prevent fatalities – a robust safety and health culture should be in place not only on May 22nd but every day. This event is an opportunity for the entire mining community to:

  • Engage in open discussions about prevalent hazards in the mining environment.
  • Conduct thorough and detailed examinations of workplaces and equipment.
  • Participate in safety training sessions designed to enhance awareness and preparedness.

The Stand Down is not just about taking a pause — it’s about taking action. We aim to empower every participant with the knowledge and tools needed to identify and mitigate risks, ensuring that every miner returns home safely at the end of the day.


Join Us 

We encourage every member of the mining community to participate in this essential initiative. Together, through education, collaboration, and commitment to safety, we can significantly reduce the risks faced by our miners and work towards a future where every miner is safe, healthy, and secure.


Tell us about your Stand Down to Save Lives trainings and other events!


Remember: Safety is a shared responsibility. Let’s stand down to save lives.

You can view the full press release here.