UMWA Applauds Russell County Board of Supervisors for Rejecting Moss 3 Landfill Proposal


JUNE 11, 2024


UMWA Applauds Russell County Board of Supervisors for Rejecting Moss 3 Landfill Proposal

Commenting on the recent Russell County Board of Supervisors vote against the Moss 3 Landfill proposal, the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

“We are pleased that the Russell County Board of Supervisors listened to their constituents and voted against the proposed landfill on the site of the Moss 3 Power Plant.

“Much like during the Pittston Strike, the Russell County community has once again demonstrated that solidarity can lead to significant change.

“Many individuals contributed to this victory, and I would be remiss not to acknowledge the contributions of three of our Associate Members who played pivotal roles in this effort and kept the UMWA informed of developments.

“Sister Linda Stump, the widow of my dear friend Jackie Stump, was the first to alert me to this proposal, which threatened the historic site of the Moss 3 takeover during the 1989 Pittston Strike.

“Lastly, Sister Karen Baker has steadfastly supported her community and its residents. Her commitment and solidarity should not be overlooked.

“I am grateful that Russell County has chosen to preserve the sanctity of our history and honor the legacy of those who fought tirelessly for workers’ rights.”


CORRECTION: Amy Branson was previously mentioned as the attorney who helped with the “Say No to the Moss 3 Landfill” campaign. In fact, Sister Branson is a community advocate who did a tremendous job at documenting the events surrounding the campaign. She signed up to be a UMWA Associate Member when the UMWA got involved in their efforts to stop the Landfill Proposal, and we are thrilled to have her as a member of this great union!

Another special shout out to Attorney Brandi Hurley, who played a crucial role in fighting against the legality of the landfill proposal. Brandi dedicated countless hours to defending the residents of Russell County, ensuring their voices were heard and their rights protected. Her relentless efforts and legal expertise were instrumental in challenging the proposal and keeping the union informed of all significant developments. Her dedication and commitment to justice have made a substantial impact on the community, and we deeply appreciate her tireless work in stopping the landfill proposal.
