Brothers and Sisters, the United Mine Workers of America has a history of struggles and victories. Our union is 135 years old, and we want to be around for another 135 years. It is my duty, as your president, to make sure the union is in the best financial status possible as we move forward to preserve our longevity and to prepare ourselves for the fights we may encounter in the future.
“With the approval of the International Executive Board and Secretary-Treasurer Sanson, we have collectively decided that now is the time to convene the highest deliberative body of the United Mine Workers of America International Union in a Special International Convention in St. Louis, Missouri on October 28-29, 2025, to codify the Resolutions of the International Executive Board into the UMWA Constitution.
“We have chosen St. Louis as our destination because what better way to gather in unity than where our most recent hard-fought battle of securing health care and pensions began. We achieved victory when no one thought we could, and now is the time to prepare ourselves for any challenges that will come our way. It is the right thing to do to be prepared and ready to fight those battles.
“We will provide additional, detailed information to all local union officers in the upcoming months. Brothers and Sisters, I look forward to seeing many of you in St. Louis, and may God Bless you and your families.”