For Locals

Local Unions are self-governing bodies of the International Union, charged with carrying out the work of the Union in their jurisdiction.


Each Local Union Officer holds different responsibilities in order to carry out the policies and decisions of the Local Union. To be eligible for any elected Local Union position, a person must have been a member in good standing of the Local Union for at least six months and shall have attended at least one-half of the total number of regularly scheduled meetings of the Local Union help within the six months preceding the nomination meeting, unless excused for good cause by a vote of the Local Union membership.


Each Local Union shall have the following officers:


  1. President
  2. Financial-Secretary
  3. Recording-Secretary


Officers shall be elected by secret ballot in May of every third year and shall serve for a period of three years or until their successors are elected and installed. Local Unions may also elect a Vice President, Treasurer, Doorkeeper, Trustees, etc.


Local Union Committees


They shall also elect a Mine or Grievance Committee and a Safety Committee of at least three members each.

And must also provide for a COMPAC committee in accordance with COMPAC Bylaws and such other Committees as may be necessary to enable the Local Union to serve its members and otherwise fulfill the purposes of the Union.

Each Local Union shall elect an Organizing Committee of at least three members. However, the Organizing Committee shall not undertake any action or business prior to notification of the International Union.

The Local Union may designate its Local Election Committee to serve as Local Union Tellers.

Each Local Union shall elect a UMWA Veterans Committee of at least three members. However, the Veterans Committee shall not undertake any action or business prior to notification of the International Union.


For more information please see below:


Local Union Financial-Secretary Information

Local Union Recording-Secretary Information

Local Union Forms

Training Information