The Financial-Secretary shall prepare annual financial reports, in the form prescribed by the International Secretary-Treasurer, detailing the receipt and disbursement of all money belonging to the Local Union, all assets belonging to the Union, and the accounts and securities in which funds are invested. Copies of the annual financial reports shall be given to the International Secretary-Treasurer and shall be read at the next regularly scheduled meeting and made available to each Local Union member upon request.
The Financial-Secretary shall fill out and forward to the International Secretary-Treasurer and International District Vice President on or before the 25th of each month, a report of all members in good standing in the Local Union the previous month, together with all dues and assessments due to the International.
All membership dues should be sent to:
UMWA General Fund
P.O. Box 172050
Kansas City, KS 66117
The Financial-Secretary shall fill out and submit to the Department of Labor an annual LM report, and to the Internal Revenue Service an annual 990 report.
You may click here in order to download some of the necessary filing forms for your Local Union.
To order any other necessary filing forms, please download the order form and mail it, along with a check payable to the UMWA to:
18354 Quantico Gateway Drive
Suite 200
Triangle, VA 22172
For more information on the Duties of Local Union Financial Officers, call the International Office at 703-291-2400 and request a copy of the details instructions packet.