District 20 – District In Action

District 20 in Action! 


District 20, located in the southern part of the United States, is a beacon of strength and unity for UMWA members in a region rich in coal mining history. With a storied past and a resilient membership, District 20 has earned a reputation for representing the most diverse group of coal workers within the UMWA. Despite facing numerous challenges, including rapidly shrinking overseas coal markets and shifting economic landscapes, the members of District 20 continue to persevere and stand strong.


  • On January 10, 2024, International and District officers and staff, and several local unions from District 20, made a donation to Mission 34. Pictured [l-r] Ray Tidwell, Local Union 9511; Daniel Kelly, Local Union 1948; John Earnest, International Representative; Carthell Williams, International Representative; Ralph Sandlin, Local Union 2042; International District 20 Vice President Larry Spencer; Christa and Gene Hyche, Local Union 9511;Vernon Bankston, Local Union 2042; Walter McCarty, Local Union 8982; Wendell Rigsby, Local Union 7930; Daryl Dewberry, Local Union 6255.


Contact us here if there is anything you want us to report on!