District 22 is a robust and diverse district within the United Mine Workers of America, representing the interests of UMWA members across the vast western region of the United States. With a membership that includes over 4,000 UMWA members living and working in the Navajo Nation, District 22 plays a vital role in shaping the future for a diverse group of workers. This district is not only rich in history but also in its commitment to representing an array of professions and backgrounds. District 22’s membership encompasses coal miners, public employees, public safety workers, transportation professionals, Navajo Nation Head Start teachers, and healthcare workers.
The western United States, where District 22 holds sway, is an area steeped in both history and cultural diversity. The district’s coverage extends from the vast landscapes of the Navajo Nation to the diverse communities throughout the western states. From the historic coal mining towns to the modern metropolises, District 22 is committed to supporting workers from all backgrounds and walks of life.
What sets District 22 apart is the breadth of its membership. As the district covers a wide geographic and cultural spectrum, its membership is a reflection of the region’s diversity. It encompasses coal miners who have long been the backbone of the UMWA, as well as public employees who provide essential services to local communities, public safety workers who ensure the safety of residents, transportation workers who facilitate the movement of goods and people, Navajo Nation Head Start teachers who shape the future through education, and healthcare workers who provide critical care to those in need. This dynamic coalition embodies the district’s commitment to advancing the rights and well-being of all its members.
The cornerstone of District 22’s strength lies in its unwavering spirit of solidarity. With its diverse membership and shared commitment to justice, fairness, and worker rights, the district epitomizes the principles that the UMWA was founded upon. Members come together to advocate for safe working conditions, equitable wages, and a high quality of life for all who labor in the western United States.
As District 22 faces the unique challenges of its region, it remains dedicated to pursuing a brighter future for its members. This includes addressing the changing landscape of the coal industry, advocating for stronger public services, promoting safety in transportation, ensuring quality education in the Navajo Nation, and delivering healthcare services to those in need. District 22’s commitment to these critical issues is unwavering.
With a rich history of embracing diversity and a dedication to advancing the rights of workers in the western United States, District 22 serves as a powerful advocate for the hardworking men and women of the region. Together, they work toward a more just, equitable, and prosperous future for all.
Officers and District Representatives:
Michael Dalpiaz – International District 22 Vice President
Cullen Pace – District 22 Representative

District 22 Office
525 East 100
South Price, UT 84501
(435) 637-2037
(435) 637-9456 (fax)