The most important job of the UMWA Local Union Recording-Secretary is keeping accurate records of the Local Union meetings!
The Recording-Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all business transacted at all Local Union meetings, and shall include in the minute book all reports of the Financial-Secretary.
The Recording-Secretary shall maintain a membership list showing the names, addresses, and status of all members of the Local Union. Make sure you provide this membership list to the International Office!
They shall also maintain a supply of official application forms for membership in the Union and transfer cards for transfer to another Local Union.
To order any other necessary filing forms, please download the order form and mail it, along with a check payable to the UMWA to:
United Mine Workers of America
18354 Quantico Gateway Drive
Suite 200
Triangle, VA 22172
They shall maintain a supply of the Constitution, Bylaws, and collective bargaining agreements covering members of the Local Union.
The Local Union seal shall remain in the custody of the Local Recording-Secretary and that officer shall be responsible for any misuse of that seal.