UMWA Merchanise

Affiliated Stores

We are proud to say that our UMWA merchandise is now available through two outstanding union shops: K&R Promotional Industries and Direct Results.

K&R Promotional Industries

Members of IUPAT Local Union 1937, K&R Promotional Industries offers a wide range of high-quality UMWA merchandise. Their commitment to union values ensures that you receive products made with the integrity and solidarity our members expect.

Direct Results

Members of UMWA Local Union 185, Direct Results is dedicated to providing exceptional UMWA merchandise. Their union affiliation guarantees that your purchases support the very principles we stand for.

*Please note that rally t-shirts and memorabilia are unavailable for sale on these sites.

These exclusive items are offered only to attendees of those specific rallies.

  • CER Quote Shirt
     K&R Promotional Industries - CER Quote Shirt

Thank you for supporting union-made products and for standing in solidarity with the United Mine Workers of America.