District 12 – District In Action

District 12 in Action! 


District 12, with its deep roots in the United Mine Workers of America, holds a special place within the organization. This district serves as the dedicated representative of UMWA members in the Midwestern part of the United States. Its historical significance is evident, as many of the founding areas of the United Mine Workers of America can be found within District 12’s jurisdiction. Today, District 12 stands strong, bringing together UMWA members from the rich coalfields and diverse communities throughout western Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri.


  • On March 12, 2024, rank-and-file members and District 12 staff handbilled at a Walgreens fulfillment center in Mt. Vernon, passing out flyers and speaking with employees. To date, more than 100 workers at the facility have signed UMWA representation cards. The campaign at the large facility is ongoing.


Contact us here if there is anything you want us to report on!