Community service
Food Drive tool kit
The 30th Annual Letter Carriers’
Stamp Out Hunger® Food Drive
May 14, 2022
Stamp Out Hunger® is a registered trademark of the National Association of Letter Carriers,
and may not be used or reproduced without prior written permission of the National Association of Letter Carriers.
Top questions:
- Will my food get picked up if the weather’s bad?
- Is my letter carrier and/or post office taking part?
- I put food out and it wasn’t picked up. Why not?
Fastest answers:
- Click here to find the phone number for your local post office.
Are food drive donations tax-deductible?
All donations to the Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger® Food Drive are tax-deductible because all of the food collected on Food Drive Day is given directly to non-profit charity food agencies in the community the food was collected. Though the National Association of Letter Carriers plans the Food Drive’s logistics and letter carriers to provide the transportation for each donor’s generous donation, the National Association of Letter carriers is not the agency that gets listed on tax forms for claiming deductions. There are more than 10,000 food agencies throughout the country that receive these donations, so if you itemize your taxes and want to provide proper credit for your Food Drive donations, you will need to determine the name of the agency (food pantry or other charity) that received your food, as well as the agency’s address and tax identification number for proper reporting on your tax-filing forms. The Food Drive Coordinator at your local post office (click here for a post office locator) should be able to give you the name of the receiving agency, and that agency will likely have tax information handy.
Buy your official Stamp Out Hunger® merchandise online
The online Stamp Out Hunger store is now available, with products available for purchase in quantities
starting at just one—no bulk ordering necessary. Click here to get started.
Send us your photos!
You can upload photos from this year’s Food Drive by dragging and dropping the files into a special Hightail “cloud” folder—no user name or password required. Once you get on the site, it’s self explanatory. Click here to access the Hightail folder. You can also email photos to Please identify your city and/or NALC branch. Photos may be posted online or published in a future edition of The Postal Record, NALC’s monthly magazine for members.
Still can’t find what you need?
After reading through these pages you still have questions regarding the Food Drive, get in touch with NALC Director of
Community Services at 202-393-4695.