What steps need to take place to unionize?

Your right to Workplace Representation is covered under the National Labor Relations Act.  Under the law, you are required to show a minimum of 30% interest in all eligible employees who want to be represented. 


You can do this in two ways:

1.) By signing an Authorization Petition

2.) By collecting Authorization Cards.


In order for the UMWA to gain representation throughout your workplace, we will be asking you to sign Authorization Cards.

Once we have signed at least 30% of the employees on an Authorization Card, we can then petition the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to conduct a secret ballot election at your organization.  The NLRB in turn notifies your employer that they have been served with a petition and asks them for a name list of Employees who are eligible to be represented under the law.  Employees who are supervisors and confidential employees (mainly HR Employees) are not eligible.  There are other employees that may or may not be eligible depending on what jobs they do such as; Lead Person, Office Clerical, and Plant Clerical.

After the NLRB determines that you have met the 30% minimum, they will schedule a hearing to determine if any additional employees should be included or excluded.  Once this is determined we will schedule times, dates, and places at the mine sites to conduct the elections.

After the election is conducted, the outcome is determined by a majority of those who voted in the election.  If a majority vote in is favor of representation, then the Union will bargain on your behalf with the company.  If a majority vote is against representation, then there will not be any bargaining on your behalf.  It is very important that you vote in this election because it is the majority of only those who vote.


Contact the United Mine Workers of America!!

This is about each of you, as individuals, coming together as a group to decide to make your jobs and your lives better.



    You can contact us PRIVATELY by email.

    We will give you more information on the process and answer any questions you may have. 

    Only you and your co-workers can make this work.